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Highlander Season 17 Premiership Stats

Created 26th November 2018 @ 05:18

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Note: By default, pauses will not be taken into account. Please message me or post here if there were pauses the occurred during a match. Such matches/maps are be marked by (*). If I have accounted for a pause, it will be marked (**) Also comment any errors you see. Apart from the fact the medals aren’t working for most of the classes in the quotient columns and missing some mercs’/subs’ names. I know – conditional formatting hates me, and proky was bullying me for being slow to release.


Results, Logs, and Schedule:

Week 1: pl_upward
TORPEDO vs Super Dickmann’s KANNONEN!: 0-6
[ Round 1 | Round 2 | Combined ]
inVision vs kiti s bakenbardami: 4-2
[ Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Combined ]
JOEYOTECH Feila vs Tourettes Frenchclub: 6-0
[ Round 1 | Round 2 | Combined ]

Week 2: koth_warmtic_b6 & koth_product_rc9
[ koth_warmtic_b6 | koth_product_rc9 | Combined ]
inVision vs Tourettes Frenchclub: 5-1
[ koth_warmtic_b6 | koth_product_rc9 | Combined ]
kiti s bakenbardami vs Super Dickmann’s KANNONEN! (**): 6-0
[ koth_warmtic_b6 | koth_product_rc9 | Combined ]

Week 3: cp_steel
TORPEDO vs Tourettes Frenchclub (**): 6-0
[ Round 1 | Round 2 | Combined ]
inVision vs Super Dickmann’s KANNONEN! (**): 4-2
[ Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Combined ]
JOEYOTECH Feila vs kiti s bakenbardami (**): 6-0
[ Round 1 | Round 2 | Combined ]

Week 4: cp_gullywash_final1 & koth_coalplant_b8
TORPEDO vs kiti s bakenbardami: 6-0
[ cp_gullywash_final1 | koth_coalplant_b8 | Combined ]
inVision vs JOEYOTECH Feila: 0-6
[ cp_gullywash_final1 | koth_coalplant_b8 | Combined ]
Super Dickmann’s KANNONEN! vs Tourettes Frenchclub: 6-0
[ cp_gullywash_final1 | koth_coalplant_b8 | Combined ]

Week 5: pl_badwater
TORPEDO vs inVision: 4-2
[ Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Combined ]
JOEYOTECH Feila vs Super Dickmann’s KANNONEN!: 0-6
[ Round 1 | Round 2 | Combined ]
kiti s bakenbardami vs Tourettes Frenchclub: 6-0
[ Default Win]

I have used and modified Ceejaey’s/Just1s’s (and proky’s team stats) statistics templates. Comment any suggestions or errors you see.
Changed include, but not limited to:
– Formatting the raw stats page differently [e.g. adding the scouts’ stats header]
– Changing medics’ damage stat heading to healing and putting medics’ damage stat at the bottom to total teams’ damage correcty
– Added spy picks stat to pyro

Original Spreadsheet taken from: http://etf2l.org/forum/general/topic-35098/
To Just1s/Prem Stats person: I have a blank copy of my template if you want/require it.


Last edited by Harry,



According to your spreadsheet, Ze Man has an average DPM of 1 800. Maybe Ze Man does 18 headshots per minute or something else I’m not aware of but something seems off about that

EDIT: DPM for my team also looks surprisingly low, it’s probably just my team being bad but just double check to be sure

Also sniper pick stat for Spy please thanks

Last edited by mellow,

Big Papa MattJ


zeman 1.8k DPM

I request demos

Quoted from mellow

According to your spreadsheet, Ze Man has an average DPM of 1 800. Maybe Ze Man does 18 headshots per minute or something else I’m not aware of but something seems off about that

EDIT: DPM for my team also looks surprisingly low, it’s probably just my team being bad but just double check to be sure

Also sniper pick stat for Spy please thanks

Cheers. Ze Man’s damage was just my putting an extra digit in the raw stats cos it was 4am. Something like this is probably a mistake along those lines. Your DPM is correct.

Last edited by Harry,



Quoted from Harry

Cheers. Ze Man was just my putting an extra digit in the raw stats cos it was 4am. Something like this is probably a mistake along those lines. Your DPM is correct.


Not talking about my DPM but the team one. According to your spreadsheet we have 97 726 total damage but in our week 2 game alone we have more than that

Quoted from mellow



Not talking about my DPM but the team one. According to your spreadsheet we have 97 726 total damage but in our week 2 game alone we have more than that

Ah, I see. Fixed.

Pela minha pátria e pelo nosso grande senhor El-Rey conquistarei esta tabela.

Last edited by wildpiggie,



How did you remove the pauses from the logs? I’m working on a tool that makes it easier to combine like 30-40 logs and get the data from them (for visualisations/graphs later on), but I’m not sure how to account for pauses to fix incorrect stats that are based on time.

Quoted from mellow

How did you remove the pauses from the logs? I’m working on a tool that makes it easier to combine like 30-40 logs and get the data from them (for visualisations/graphs later on), but I’m not sure how to account for pauses to fix incorrect stats that are based on time.

Leaders would tell me if there was a pause, and if someone was streaming (and shoutout to Clark and anyone else who found the timestamp as well), and just looked at how long the pause lasted. Then just subtracted the time, and put that into the spreadsheet.

Sorry it’s not a script :/



For nerds, here’s a different take on the spreadsheet. It’s essentially the same but it’s just the raw data that I pulled from logs.tf. I managed to account for the pauses, and there’s some other stats that aren’t (explicitly) mentioned in the logs/spreadsheet like:

– Capture points captured
– Suicides (for engie)
– Picked up health packs (medium packs count for two, large ones for four)
– Buildings built (sentries, dispensers, teleporter entrances & exits)
– Buildings destroyed (sentries, dispensers, teleporter entrances & exits)
– Extinguished players (Pyro only)
– Different medic stats (total uses for every medigun type, average uber length etc)
– Total class specific kills/deaths

PS: It looks like a complete mess atm cause it’s still a WIP.

EDIT: s/o to British for telling me kills per minute and assists per minute were the same value, should be corrected now. If there’s any other errors, be sure to tell me. Also if someone is bothered enough to collect all the logs from previous 6s/HL seasons I wouldn’t mind generating them for those too as long as it’s an ETF2L competition


Also slight teaser of what I’m working on

Last edited by mellow,


lol adje u nerd

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