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Regarding the action against degu and pred.

Created 9th August 2018 @ 21:59

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Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

Not that I don’t like you guys, but if it was someone i hated, it wouldn’t make sense for me to stop playing because of it

Once again you straw man my argument. I never said you should stop playing against someone because of who they are.

Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

I can’t help you if you don’t want yout enemies to lose.

And another straw man…

Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

If you’re saying people will remember those events and learn to associate them with ETF2L, I’m sorry, but it seems that you think people are idiots.

No, it means that their brains are functioning correctly.

Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

It doesn’t take a genius to understand ETF2L had nothing to do with calling uberchain a gook.

No, it’s players did though and ETF2L are responsible for which players are allowed to participate.

Either you’re deliberately misrepresenting my arguments or you’re just too stupid/delusional to understand them. Either way, I’m not going to continue to argue with someone who is constantly muddying the waters. Good luck with whatever your point actually is (letting people use offensive slurs without punishment for the sake of preserving a negligible amount of competition in a computer game?).



Quoted from Goreston


You didn’t have reason to fear lynching.

My point, as you well know, is that racist actions have racist consequences, regardless of the motivations of their perpetrator. Uberchain’s experience of Pred being a massive racist prick is the same regardless of whether he meant to be a massive racist prick or not.

Uberchain has no reason to fear lynching either. All this is ridiculously far from the KKK example you brought up anyway. I likely won’t convince you that this isn’t racist so I’ll stop trying, instead I’d like to ask this: Why do all of you care so deeply about this one girl from Canada, when people in this community regularly throw insults based on people’s nationality, sexual orientation, biological sex or mental disorders? This has been completely common in this community for as long as I can remember, and yet, a taboo is broken and suddenly it’s unacceptable. You don’t even need to look beyond this thread to see what I’m talking about. And, just to be clear, I am not trying to be the victim here, I don’t care and you know it. It’s just that if you want to condemn pred, you’ll also have to condemn every single person who’s called me an autist. And there’s more than I cared to count over the years.

Last edited by Jedi(fla)master,



Stop acting like you have autism then.



Quoted from Useless

Stop acting like you have autism then.


I’m sorry, I think I’m done. There’s nothing that can be done at this point. I’m sorry if I wasted your time, you guys keep up the good work. Hope pred improves his behaviour.



Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

Uberchain has no reason to fear lynching either. All this is ridiculously far from the KKK example you brought up anyway. I likely won’t convince you that this isn’t racist so I’ll stop trying, instead I’d like to ask this: Why do all of you care so deeply about this one girl from Canada, when people in this community regularly throw insults based on people’s nationality, sexual orientation, biological sex or mental disorders? This has been completely common in this community for as long as I can remember, and yet, a taboo is broken and suddenly it’s unacceptable. You don’t even need to look beyond this thread to see what I’m talking about. And, just to be clear, I am not trying to be the victim here, I don’t care and you know it. It’s just that if you want to condemn pred, you’ll also have to condemn every single person who’s called me an autist. And there’s more than I cared to count over the years.

Jesus Christ I wish people would learn how analogies work. Fuck it. Ok let’s be completely literal for the hard of thinking.

You said people can’t be racist without racist motivation. I disagree because the targets of slurs have no way of discerning the motivations of the people using them. Pred’s motivations for calling Uberchain an “ugly gook cunt” have absolutely no bearing on Uberchain’s experience of those words. If you act like a racist, you are a racist.

As for why people suddenly care, I can’t be certain, because other people’s motivations are hidden. Maybe they realised that they risked losing another valued member of the community. Maybe it’s just reached a tipping point. Quite often, single high profile events are the catalyst for change that’s been brewing for a while – see Harvey Weinstein for a comparable example.

Finally, I’m quite happy to condemn people who use autist as an insult. It’s shitty.


Quoted from Useless

Stop acting like you have autism then.




Dear bois.
I’ve done some thinking, and I realised that my exit was rather anticlimactic and didn’t really convey what I thought about this whole situation, so let me elaborate.
You fucks pretend to champion a cause while you do the very thing you supposedly condemn, or watch ildly while others do it. I don’t hate you because you call me an autist. I am an autist. I hate you, deeply, because you all have no regard for consistency and make feelings dictate your behaviour. You disgust me. I’ll see you all on the arena.
Choke on a dick

Last edited by Jedi(fla)master,


Arti Rush

So, just to sum it all up for people who stumbled upon here and don’t want to read everything:

-poster makes a senseless argument;
-gets called out by around 15-20 people here, on tf.tv forums & discord;
-tells people who criticise him to choke on a dick.


poland bigotry powerhouse of europe



Wholesome ETF2L banter. I approve.



i blame the new themes


I’m not entirely sure if OP is trolling or they really,really like to argue.


(ETF2L Donator)

kinda disappointed I didn’t get roasted…

Last edited by Foz,



Quoted from Cronk

poland bigotry powerhouse of europe

This sexy Swede knows


lost the argument on tftv
lost the argument on etf2l
when can we expect a ugc thread

they were assholes and punished for being assholes
etf2l doesn’t care how good you are, they care about their top players calling others slurs

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