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Regarding the action against degu and pred.

Created 9th August 2018 @ 21:59

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Competition is about the strong, the weak, the glory of victory and pain of defeat. Competition is not about hurt feelings and policing speech like it’s a kindergarten. Punishing two players from PREMIERSHIP for something they said (no matter what it was, and I get that what pred said was harsh) is disgraceful and makes me feel ashamed to be a part of this community (and I’m a pyro main so the bar is pretty high). It makes me gravely worried that the ones who run this league have so little regard for the actual competition and are ready to cave over an incident unrelated to the league.

By the way, conflating racism/sexism with calling someone a name is fallacious and stupid.

Not to be too one-sided on this, Pred and Degu should know better than to post on twitter in 2018.

Last edited by Jedi(fla)master,






Quoted from Sacrilege


Careful now, you wouldn’t want to eat a ban for insulting someone.

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

banning pred is ok he definitley crossed the line (coming from me) but banning degu is maybe a bit too harsh but its only for 2 months so who cares, only thing i strongly disagree with is taking 50% of the prize money away from the entire team, i don’t understand how that’s justified in any way



Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

Careful now, you wouldn’t want to eat a ban for insulting someone.

i’m proving your misplaced fake paranoia as a meek way to protest things you don’t comprehend in the wrong place is idiotic internet culture autism fitting for a pyro main.

Last edited by Sacrilege,



Quoted from Sacrilege

i’m proving your misplaced fake paranoia as a meek way to protest things you don’t comprehend in the wrong place is idiotic internet culture autism fitting for a pyro main.

There’s nothing paranoid about it. At the point top players are getting banned for calling someone a gook, and people barely related to the incident get punished monetarily, I don’t need to be paranoid about what’s going to happen because it’s already happenned. But do explain what I fail to comprehend about this situation.

Last edited by Jedi(fla)master,



Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

There’s nothing paranoid about it. At the point top players are getting banned for calling someone a gook, and people barely related to the incident get punished monetarily, I don’t need to be paranoid about what’s going to happen because it’s already happenned. But do explain what I fail to comprehend about this situation.

if you read through the threads on tftv and are still this obtuse, there’s no hope for you.

then again, the only thing i remember from playing vs you and your team is saying something so retarded we put it on our team page.

Last edited by Sacrilege,



Quoted from Sacrilege

if you read through the threads on tftv and are still this obtuse, there’s no hope for you

All talk no balls. I’m not even surprised that you have nothing to say.



Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

All talk no balls. I’m not even surprised that you have nothing to say.

Because it’s like explaining quantum mechanics to a potato, futile.

Last edited by Sacrilege,



Quoted from Sacrilege

Because it’s like explaining quantum mechanics to a potato, futile.

And, by coincidence I presume, it’s also like you don’t have an actual argument and just want to call me an idiot because I have different priorities than you and that makes you feel bad. I guess we’ll never know which one it really is.



competition can’t be more important than treating your fellow players like human beings. This is considered self-evident in professional sports, is getting applied on some of the bigger esports, and you question it in a small non-professional game like TF2?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

And, by coincidence I presume, it’s also like you don’t have an actual argument and just want to call me an idiot because I have different priorities than you and that makes you feel bad. I guess we’ll never know which one it really is.

Nah its just you’re being stubborn as fuck and refuse to look past your neanderthal mentality



Quoted from 4hp


competition can’t be more important than treating your fellow players like human beings. This is considered self-evident in professional sports, is getting applied on some of the bigger esports, and you question it in a small non-professional game like TF2?

This wasn’t even an ETF2L-related incident. It also happens that TF2 doesn’t care about how polite you are to others, only how good you aim, move and coordinate. As someone who cares about quality of play above anything else, you bet I’m going to question it wherever I see it.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Sacrilege

if you read through the threads on tftv and are still this obtuse, there’s no hope for you.

then again, the only thing i remember from playing vs you and your team is saying something so retarded we put it on our team page.

Jedi(fla)master : Just kidding you’re a traitor and a whore, foz.
Jedi(fla)master : Eat a dick.

Last edited by Foz,


The incident is etf2l-related because two highly visible etf2l players were involved in responding to a community member’s post about actual real life sexual abuse, among other things, with slurs and dismissal. They put into question the image of the whole league with those actions.

But whatever, I’m not super interested in repeating an argument that has been done in tftv and other places. I’m sure people will really commend your dedication to the sanctity of aim, movement and coordination when you play hl pyro.

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