Nice Aoshi
Created 30th January 2018 @ 21:58
Locked Pages: 1
Hello, sorry for misinterpreting the staff page, you should check on this one !
I’d have liked to tell you but you blocked me on steam, that’s unfortunate :/
Also if anyone has an answer for my questions about the essential cup : Where do i find the rules and whitelist pls as written on toornament.
aoshi will destroy everything (trust me)
such a drama queen
If you acted childlish and annoying to Aoshi and rest of ETF2L Staff don’t be suprised that he doesn’t want to talk with you and he blocked you. You can easily ask Heny, who’s another Tournament Admin or anyone from Staff from EOT, close thread.
You even bothered to go on to their site and missed out on the most recent news post that explained everything that you wanted to know. Really?
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