I need to know the truth
Created 14th September 2017 @ 14:17
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i average around 210ms, seems i’m the only person on our team with >200ms :(
did it like 25 times and averaged 190. So you can get a much better result and sitll be stuck in high for eleven million seasons!!!!”!!!1111111
i get 300ms that should tell u enough.
though when we’re talking about reaction time differences of a few dozen miliseconds from the world average and you’re in a game where people have higher or lower pings than others depending on their location, the server they’re on and the condition of their internet, then there really isn’t much to worry about.
Last edited by Spanns,
240 ms, slow as fuck xd
Quoted from Olgha
Hello, I’m Olgha, and i want to know if i’m an autistic person or not, would you go on this site and tell me your average reaction time. Mine is 275ms, that is supposed to be under human average (Maybe THIS is the reason why i stuck in high tier)
Clem : 150ms average
BackFlip59 : 200ms average
Mindoh (@60hz) : 240ms average
LF Soldier pocket with a good reaction time
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