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Balance Changes

Created 21st June 2017 @ 01:37

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Dr. med.


Any opinions/thoughts worth sharing?

ambymains disabled gamers now





I can agree with most of changes, good work b4nny.

Crossbow nerf is ok. DR is good for me :smug: ( tbh it’s too much, but w/e )

Sandman FeelsGoodMan

Stupid changes/nerfs

Ambassador: why? If you want to nerf gun spy, just nerf one unlock, otherwise it’s bullshit

Razorback: good idea, but sniper should have 150 with that shit.

What about Vac, syringe gun, shields for demoman, cozycamper?

Now, I’m waiting for rest of changes. Make TF2 great ( playable ) again

Last edited by STiNGHAN,



Can’t wait to use pretty boys pocket pistol as flank scout. Having 9 bullets instead of 12 isnt too big lf a deal but getting 7 hp per hit is insane

Last edited by alba,



Most of the changes look interesting. Mainly due to it showing that valve is listening. They also have responded in one of the tf.tv threads on this blog post.

Some changes are questionable but most look great. I’m looking forward to the rest and to actually playtest most of the questionable ones as just a listing isnt deep enough to get a full on grasp on some of these weapons.


Amby design change is fine on paper. As long as gunspy can still work and apply pressure at mid-range, it shouldn’t be a crippling problem.
DR change is good, biggest problem was the constant uncertainty as to whether it was up or not. They didn’t mention whether l’Étranger would still fill it up, however
Mid spy tears will be ready for drinking.

And oh, the old GRU are back, surprise surprise. Only time will tell if we will see the return of “pseudo-bunny hopping” Heavies.

If the Manntread changes come, I want to see 360 Market Gardner takedowns.

As for the rest, only time will really tell tbh.


(ETF2L Donator)

they bad time to play overwatch



Im happy :D



They didn’t run the spy changes past the Strong Opinions committee, so those will never happen.




I think a better Amby nerf could be a way to make headshots disable after mid range. That way they can still get cleanup 20ish damage shots but you won’t have to deal with the 102’s on lakeside and badwater 2nd. The direction of the nerf is good but I feel most only have problems with the execution.

Last edited by Hammock,



Nice, very good (((balance patch))).

Quoted from Hammock


I think a better Amby nerf could be a way to make headshots disable after mid range. That way they can still get cleanup 20ish damage shots but you won’t have to deal with the 102’s on lakeside and badwater 2nd. The direction of the nerf is good but I feel most only have problems with the execution.

Yes, weapons designed for long range should not work at said ranges. Really makes my sentry go beep beep.

Last edited by Lenny,



Quoted from Hammock


I think a better Amby nerf could be a way to make headshots disable after mid range. That way they can still get cleanup 20ish damage shots but you won’t have to deal with the 102’s on lakeside and badwater 2nd. The direction of the nerf is good but I feel most only have problems with the execution.

Problem with that is knowing the cutoff range. Dmg falloff after midrange would be better in that case imo

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