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Unlocks Survey

Created 23rd February 2017 @ 20:51

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Gentleman Jon

Hello gamers,

I have made a short and easy to complete unlocks survey with the idea of identifying which currently banned unlocks are most shunned by competitive players and possibly why via a “simulation” of a weapon ban vote. It’s pretty short because you only get to choose a few options so it shouldn’t take long and the options are restricted to currently banned items. You do need to login to google to complete it but don’t worry, I’m not collecting any personally identifiable information

Survey is here:

For those who like to justify their choices there’s the potential to nerd essay your reasons for them as well, well thought out reasons will of course be worthwhile

If some interesting data falls out I’ll post some analysis, and because it’s structured there’s the potential to send some feedback to the development team (and who knows? Maybe even the global whitelist illuminati) that might be useful to them.

Last edited by Gentleman Jon,

a. larry

Filled in
Thanks for all your statistics and other stuff you’ve created for the TF2 community :)

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