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Dead Ringer Ban Discussion

Created 25th October 2016 @ 15:18

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Quoted from Hildreth


This is my definition of a complaint:


Your opinion of “senseless garbage” is subjective, you basically can’t be bothered to read it and/or don’t understand the points raised and/or don’t feel they are important to you. But they’re important to me and important to others.

i didn’t refute that they are complaints, i refuted that they are “complaints of the community”. it’s just a loud minority complaining, therefore the complaints aren’t representative.

the reason why they shouldn’t respond is because you are just asking a bunch of loaded questions that can not possibly be answered in a neutral and professional manner, hence my wording, senseless garbage.



Quoted from Steve!

You’re absolutely right Chronos. I assumed that in the discussion I was surrounded by players that had the same level of understanding of the game as me. That was clearly not the case for some of them, or at least they didn’t make the effort to appear knowledgeable on the subject. Hopefully you’ve been able to extract some knowledge from my posts here.

Stinson, I’m more than happy to talk over the reasons I left the admin team with you but this isn’t really the time and place to do so

P.S. It’s hard to be 100% sure about a vote when you are given 2 minutes to think about your answer. If anyone was 100% sure about it, they either gave it much though beforehand or made a rash decision. I didn’t consider developing arguments for banning the DR a good way to spend my time because to me the weapon is not OP. And I have not heard arguments from the side that did feel this way at the time of the vote.

Regardless, of your opinion on anyone else’s thoughts (and you made it quite clear during the meeting that you had no interest in taking in any other opinions), I feel that coming out now with all these opinions of yours is too little too late when you could have tried to be constructive and helpful during a conversation with fellow team leaders instead of just acting like a belittling idiot. Maybe I expect too much from you, presuming from when I started following highlander that you and the rest of highpander were more humble. I respect your ability as pyro but when it comes to differences of opinion you need to put forward coherent arguments when decisions are being made when you were just saying how you and your team thought the dr ban was fairly reasonable instead. Now we should all just respect the outcome. Other veteran prem players did vote on, and a convincing decision was made in favour of dr being banned for reasons spoken of and listed

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Quoted from ondkaja


“complaints of their community” != a few guys writing essays

the admins are under no obligation to respond to the senseless garbage that gets posted in this thread.

This doesn’t make sense to me, the majority of people here complaining are very top level highlander players who understand the game mode, people like steve and hildreth are 2 of the best highlander players in the world and know far more about highlander than you do so how can you call it “senseless garbage”? I think it’s a good idea for the admins to read and take the opinions of top level players seriously because it’s not “senseless garbage” and the top level players usually know more about the game than the admins.

Also ppl complain about no skilled players on admin squad and i’ve applied like 10 times and every time rejection so what do you expect.

Removed some spam comments.



After reading parts of this thread I’m still looking for a valid reason to ban it.
Can someone enlighten me? Who exactly voted to ban it?



Quoted from .zero

After reading parts of this thread I’m still looking for a valid reason to ban it.
Can someone enlighten me? Who exactly voted to ban it?

Ignore “bias”, there hasn’t been one. Toucans and high teams voted for its ban, BMS n chess were the only proper teams to vote for the double ban. I feel the “arguments” for the double bans were also very weak. Same goes for short circuit. 12% of prem teams this season voted for the current whitelist, and 62% voted for no-bans.

Last edited by Toast,

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