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Analysis of top 5 scout players this season - by sheepy dog's hand

Created 21st October 2016 @ 15:00

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sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)


After putting my superior skilled insight into the abilities of players I have decided to give a top 5 players from each class. I will be starting with

Scout (this one I know most about cause i’m scout).

1. Stark – No doubt best scout in the world he puts in a ton of work for his team and manages to outshine every other scout in prem while almost always taking up the least amount of heals. However in recent log I saw starkie went 7-12 on scout but then went sniper and did a lot of work but still 7-12 isn’t expected the best scout in the world, could this mean stark is losing his edge? I don’t think so but he will need to keep his skill up unless he wants to get outplaced by

2. .sorex – This was a hard one but taking into account previous seasons .sorex has always had a great team to back him up and let him play his aggressive playstyle and he has preformed pretty consistently over the past seasons and does a lot of work for LEGO, some call him out for pasta brain which isn’t entirely true and although he might over extend and make some mistakes his aggressive timing is usually on point and in the end his solid mechanical skill and experience on scout means he always preforms at a top level. Also similar to stark he can do a lot of work without needing to tank heals.

3. Funs – This is where I would put myself (sheepy) if I was playing this season, I preform very consistently in officials even if I mess around like idiot in pcws and in the past played the role of pocket scout so well in Danger Dogs we ended up beating reason (I outplayed haffi). I also have learned to play the flank scout so I was able to play every game with 8-10% heals so I could let upcoming talents shine (funs and pierz). I might not have the best aim but I have experience and know what to do.

So since i’m not playing and I feel like funs and I are on the same level of skill (just very different playstyles) I give funs the number 3 best scout spot in Europe which is very impressive considering this is his first season of prem, he has learned a lot playing with me last season as I feel he needed to play a season with someone more experienced before playing with another inexperienced high skilled player (check rank 5)

4. Thalash – My experience in watching and playing vs him is he isn’t at the same level mechanically as the others on this list, I was never scared to 1v1 him since I knew I would probably win if I had a good position. Thalash has been able to play on a team with the 5 best players in EU on their respective classes so it’s hard for him to stand out. However the reason I think he is the 4th best scout is because despite never really standing out in the aim/movement department he always does his job and knows what to do for the team. He is a great offclasser and when he played with astt on full tilt he was able to let him shine by playing the flank and avoiding tanking the heals like I did with funs and pierz. So now on crowns he is able to play the similar pocket style hafficool played, he isn’t on the same level as haffi yet but he has done a really good job fitting into the team so far.

5. Zen – This guy has to be the keenest scout in prem and it paid off, when I played vs him in the Planet Express vs Infamous playoffs I saw a lot of skill and talent but not quite as much as me or funs which is why he is rank 5 and not rank 3 and why in the PlanEx vs Infamous game we won, I had muuki as my scout partner since team infamous didn’t allow us any mercs but I wrecked so hard (http://logs.tf/1464853) cause I am joint 3rd best scout in Europe it worked out. Nevertheless ZEN is a very keen scout with lots of talent and I expect him to climb this list very quickly as the season finishes if he keeps it up.

Honorable Mention: Maros – It was really hard deciding between zen and maros for the number 5 spot and I think zen is probably not just as good as maros if not better but I picked ZEN because I feel he has more potential than maros. zen is really smart, has great aim and experience but ZEN had like 120 hours past 2 weeks when I last saw and he is always in dm and mge practicing away so I think ZEN will keep improving as he is just so keen.

So thanks for reading would be nice if I could be unbanned from TFTV so I could post it there as well, remember this is just my opinion so if you aren’t on the list then just do your best to try and prove me wrong!

Last edited by sheepy dog's hand,



great analysis my man keep it up
thank mr sheepy



are u related to muuki

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Quoted from neon

are u related to muuki

No but me and muuki are friends he will probably say “im not his friend” but he is tsundere and likes me one time we bond over things so yes I am related to him he is a friend.

Shoutout to muuki for being a better scout than most scouts in high right now

Also muuki is very cute he will call me baka for saying this (he likes anime so I say baka) but he is like a real man version of cute anime girl.




watchmojo should hire you


Funs #3 :thinking:



All of you gayboys saying stark is a way beter scout than thalash SHUT THEF UCK UP. Thalash does all the work in crowns, stark just cleans up the frags. no one remembers back in week 3 when thalash killed 5 people pushing mid only with kaptain. ye, what now?

Last edited by Permzilla,

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Quoted from Permzilla

All of you gayboys saying stark is a way beter scout than thalash SHUT THEF UCK UP. Thalash does all the work in crowns, stark just cleans up the frags. no one remembers back in week 3 when thalash killed 5 people pushing mid only with kaptain. ye, what now?

thalash is good but he doesn’t have the mechanical skill to make it into top 3, I would wreck him on mge and so would the other top 3 players.

Quoted from shoras

Funs #3 :thinking:

I would put myself at 3 but sadly im not playing this season.

Last edited by sheepy dog's hand,

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

edited due to recent events


what manga is your profile picture from?

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Quoted from triga

what manga is your profile picture from?

koe no katachi





Quoted from sheepy dog's hand

I would put myself at 3 but sadly im not playing this season.


Last edited by wonder,



Quoted from thpathm

watchmojo should hire you

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

At request here is my new top 5 scouts of season 27 prem 100% serious this time (no fun)

1. Thaigarr
2. Mr.Epic
3. Funs
4. smzi (has been playing great recently and could climb the list higher)
5. .sorex
6. sober puoskari
7. credu
8. whoever even played for LEGO this season
9. Neo
10. Scrab

This list is based only from what I have personally seen and is only the opinion of the number 1 (ONE) high scout eu. Credu and the Lowpander scouts were especially solid this season. Seven were especially garbage this season and therefore none of their players make this list. Speaking of here’s my top high scouts of season 27.

1. sheepy dog’s hand
1. Bloodis (shark)

Below is everyone else who didn’t win high. If you have a problem with my list be sure to bring it up at lan and just a warning I have a gym membership now. Thanks.

Last edited by sheepy dog's hand,

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