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When to leave a team?

Created 2nd September 2016 @ 01:37

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(ETF2L Donator)

Hey all.

I wanna start off this thread by saying that I have started playing in ETF2L leagues since January 2016, and have been actively scrimming with teams since then. I am currently on the third team, and have been playing scrimming with them since the beginning of s24, but as of late, due to some roster changes and some extensive attempts to look at our performance in game, I feel as if the team doesn’t really stand a chance.

I have been told that my skill level in this game for my main class is that of mid level, and my team is attempting to make it into mid. Unfortunately, every mid team we’ve scrimmed against has rolled us and left us frustrated, and I can’t help but feel as if I could be doing better.

I really enjoy talking to and playing with my teammates. They’re an amazing bunch of friends, I just feel that some of them are not ready for mid level and those that aren’t will drag us down. As much as I play to enjoy myself, I also play to get better, and I feel that climbing up the ranks is important for me.

My question is, should I abandon my team and look for a more worthy mid-level team to play with? Or should I stick with my team and hope that things work out? I’d feel bad leaving my team now, considering how much time and effort we’ve put into scrims, and that it’s so close to the season, but I’d also feel bad if we played in mid (if we even get into mid) and got rolled every official and didn’t gain anything from the experience.

TL;DR I’m a mid level player. Team is open level but I’ve put effort into (and enjoyed) playing with them for the past ~3 months. We don’t stand a chance in mid div and I want to climb up the ranks. Do I stick with my team or find a better mid team?



follow ur heart



Quoted from alle

follow ur heart


well if I saw my teammate made a post like this on the forum I would cut him immediately xd

Seeing as you’re a medic main I think it would be pretty hard for you to even get a trial for a mid team without any mid experience.

I would recommend sticking with your team at least for season 25 and then make a team full of mid players in the post-season. Especially if you enjoy playing with your current team mates.



medic is probably the only class that experience is more important than talent, if they are really keen and putting the time into it convince them to atleast start scrimming mid for the experience, that way you can atleast you’ll improve faster and understand the game better than being in open.
afterwards you can see if you want to stay or not


Playing medic isn’t that simple. I’ll give you an example. In s23, when we got to open playoffs, my team started dying. Me, blitz and some other 2 players. Our mentor, Rex, told us one thing: “Playing with the same players is very very important”. Blitz had some offers for teams but eventually we played togheter. I’ll explain.
As a medic, you can play with really good players (not necessrialy in teams). But imagine you’re Crowns’ medic with your current skill level,how would you feel, knowing that every other move that you do is probably a fuck up? (Not that you’re bad, but ofc were all not even close to prem level).
The reason for that example is my point: Being COMFY as a medic. I’d rather play with a bad team which aren’t dicks rather than play with a prem team which will yell at me (Even if I deserve to get yelled, if you get my point). In my opinon, If you’re not comfortable YOU WILL DO WORSE. For example, you get yelled for dropping uber by a soldier, your mindset would be “Fuck, gonna pop really early next time to not drop” even when he jumps you and hits 0 rockets. I hope you get what I mean.
So: TL;DR: Ask yourself
1] Am I comfortable with my current team?
2] Am I ready to actually play the div I think I can?



Basically, there is no reason to leave if everybody is keen and still puts effort into playing and improving. Of course you are getting rolled right now, you are a fairly new team in mid, your teamplay and coordination isn’t as good compared to “veteran” mid teams. But you guys should keep scrimming to improve as a team and eventually you will be successful against mid teams. Look at Full Tilt, from when they started all the way to i58. They were shit in the past, but kept getting better over time and eventually they were pretty much the best team at i58. Xenex had tons of godly players but they got rolled, simply because they were a mix team thrown together last minute.

Just play this season with your team, if you notice your team is stagnating instead of improving you should only then consider leaving.

Last edited by Gazy,


The best thing is to find players with a similar attitude to improving rather than those that match your level (within reason of course).

I’ve played with people that think they are good enough not to try before and I’ve played with people that are super keen but weren’t as good in the moment.

In a season or two the keen ones always outshine the people that don’t want to try and in my experience it is incredibly annoying to have half a team that is keen and ready to do map talks and whatever else and the other half doesn’t have that commitment.

The point being is that if everyone else on the team is committed to the same level of practice and wants to improve then you are going to find it hard to find a team which you can improve in as quickly even if you find people that are initially better.

If people in your team do not want to try as hard as others then there should be no issue in cutting them for others. If the team is not committed to improving as a whole then that is when you might want to consider leaving.


Quoted from hr

If people in your team do not want to try as hard as others then there should be no issue in cutting them for others. If the team is not committed to improving as a whole then that is when you might want to consider leaving.



ur either a winner or a loser if u stick ur the loser


(ETF2L Donator)

Yo cheers for the replies from everyone. I’ve concluded it’s best to stick with my current team. I never thought about it, but as bad as the team appears to be, everybody on it has a willingness to improve, and I never figured that’s such an important thing, but according to everybody in this thread with tonnes more experience than I, it is.

Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE

well if I saw my teammate made a post like this on the forum I would cut him immediately xd

To clear the air, I shared this thread with my team leader immedeatly after creating it. The point of this thread was not to shittalk my team behind their backs, I have been very honest with my teammates at all times and have no problem discussing my thoughts/problems with them face to face. The point of this thread was so that I could get a neutral point of view as to what would be the best course for me in such a situation.

Once again, thank you to everyone who’s voiced their suggestions. It’s much appreciated.


From what I’ve read you’ve only been scrimming a lot. If it starts not working the best way to improve as a team to do a map talks (idk if you’ve been doing them).

Make sure everybody is trying to reach the goal as a team and not individually (all team has to be the one force not 6 separate). During map talks everyone should tell their ideas how to reach their goal and what particular actions do you expect other players to do when you’re doing one or another thing (for example you want to give all the heals to one player and expect others to follow up in the flank or delayed). Move as a team.

1. Do a single map talk per day.
2. Scrim on it before your team forgot what you’ve been talking about. Check what’s been working and what’s not.
3. For more mistakes watch your own demos (as a team, not alone, watch not your own demo but teammate’s so you can tell him what you expect him to do to help the team more).
4. When finding out mistakes gonna be too hard – get a team mentor.


I have been playing mostly with people I enjoy playing with, not matter what div/tier it was. My priorities were quite simple. Regrets? No not really.


Ah one of many lessons that you’ll learn in life, it’s a bit like your rl working career. If you stay in one company for 20 years and you’re good they become dependent on you initially but there reaches a peak where the rest in the market overtake you because the company you’re in isn’t advancing at the same rate. Then you become dependent on them because you’re behind with the current market i.e. skills/qualities that you offer.

Now apply what I just said above to your team, it’s hard letting go at the right time, because some people value their loyalty and friendship more than their challenge and personal goals. Neither are incorrect or correct it’s a matter of personal choice.

If you’ve reached your peak in one team (company) then move on, it’s the quickest way to progress normally.



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