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Hello european TF2ers

Created 30th August 2016 @ 19:42

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Hello dear europeans. So, I have been playing comp TF2 in Brazil for the last 5 years and I am moving to France in a couple of weeks for my PhD. I am not planning to make a real comeback to the game and completely dedicate to play in ETF2L, but I am really interested to go for a opportunity playing in a Lan next year.

I know about the yearly Gamers Assembly lans in France, but I couldn’t find any information if it will continue to happen next year. So, is there anybody that could help me with some information?



We will soon know if TF2 will be played at the GA’lloween (November edition).

Every info is published (in french, sorry) on the french TF2 website TF2Connexion http://www.tf2connexion.fr/

If it happens it would be great to see a european mix, like Hildreth’s team last edition.


https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.tf2connexion.fr/&prev=search English



Thank you both! And I can already understand some french, so accessing the French page will be no problem.

Also, out of curiosity, is there any TF2 comp player from Toulouse or somewhere else in the Midi-Pyrénées region?

Last edited by Doug,

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