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Vaccinator - Viable or trash?

Created 24th June 2016 @ 23:31

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So a couple of days ago I argued with my friend about the vaccinator being a good/bad
medi-gun. On one hand, it gives you protection from uber, kritz, and a lot more advantages. second hand, it ruins your buffs and ubers, and the list goes on.
So eventually I found out his open team is running perma vacc and they still somehow don’t get rolled by every open team out there. We’ve also all seen PCMR’s epic vaccinator plays VS top5 :>.
So my question is: Would u think the vaccinator is viable? if so, in what way? perma, part-time? Imo it’s kinda bad, but in some situations it may be viable.
Happy discussing.



you answered your own question, people run it and do well = makes it viable.
I don’t like using it because all you do is defend last without a possibility of getting a solid push out of it because you have no buffs or actual uber so at the end you are still most likely to lose a round, but it will be delayed.



viable at open lol


Quoted from lgl

viable at open lol

explain PCMR vs top5 then :v
Quoted from Phnx

you answered your own question, people run it and do well = makes it viable.
I don’t like using it because all you do is defend last without a possibility of getting a solid push out of it because you have no buffs or actual uber so at the end you are still most likely to lose a round, but it will be delayed.

The thing is, it’s not done much, so it can also be really bad and it can just be the issue of people not knowing how to deal with it? kinda like a new strat in mid.
EDIT: Pheonix brought up a smart point, it can be used to buy time

Last edited by Tamir,



Its aids to play with its aids to play against and the only person having fun is the medic using it.


Quoted from Firefly

Its aids to play with its aids to play against and the only person having fun is the medic using it.

and his pocket, you forgot.


(ETF2L Donator)

I think it’s viable if you spawn knowing you have a huge uber disadvantage. You can get few vacci-ubers ready and if they haven’t spotted your vacci it might turn their uber bad real quick.


Quoted from Cauthon

I think it’s viable if you spawn knowing you have a huge uber disadvantage. You can get few vacci-ubers ready and if they haven’t spotted your vacci it might turn their uber bad real quick.

Thats a good point, but dont you think like @Pheonix mentioned, that if they manage to get the med out alive its more of stalling time and not defending? eventually they will beat you by buffs vs no buffs.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Tamir

Thats a good point, but dont you think like @Pheonix mentioned, that if they manage to get the med out alive its more of stalling time and not defending? eventually they will beat you by buffs vs no buffs.

Yeah, it changes to bad when you lose the element of surprise and enemy knows how to counter your vacci. If your med is good, he could change the medigun after the fight and build the normal uber like crazy and make it in time.

But it’s very situation based and kinda last straw of hope to defend the last. Not that viable while pushing but if you move fast and get the enemy caught offguard you can make it work.

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