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Potential new competitive gametypes for map makers?

Created 20th June 2016 @ 19:35

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Quoted from limede

I don’t have any idea of what I’m doing here or if what I’m about to say as ever been proposed or if it is completely retarded. Be free to trash my shit idea.

So, why don’t we make 5CP non time based? I mean, time would still be important, but wouldn’t be the core of winning. Basically we need to make a system that effectively punishes standing around itching your ball sack.
So the stupid idea I had is, having a point system.

this is the kind of thing that sounds like a great idea but in practice it’s essentially the same scenario- you still have the team that’s winning with no reason to push holding.

In any given situation you can come up with, there’s always a team that’s winning and a team that’s losing- in a position where that happens, it’s always on the losing team to make a play. Even if you reverse the situation and make it so it’s +points instead of -points for 90seconds, you only reverse the team that has to make the play, the losing team is incentivised to not push because just by holding the eventually reset the match to a drawing state.
Otherwise it’s just a situation where the team that’ll win if the clock runs down has no reason, just like it is currently. The point is that points per second is still a time based gamemode.

Last edited by MEGAMIDDIE,



I would love to try a 3cp domination map.

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