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Changed respawntimes

Created 18th June 2008 @ 15:39

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It’s possible to change respawntimes only for one team? We played a match with one team and they were respawning on cp_well very fast, so I typed in console: mp_showrespawntimes a this was result:

Bug or hax?



Never knew this was possible…
Seems to be a hack imo.


RaWr ::

As far as I know it’s not posible. Your respawn time depends on which capture point you own. Not only do you get a dissadvantage by the location the enemy spawns in, they will also spawn a lot quicker.

For example, if the enemy team owns your 4th cap point on granary, there is about a 5-8 second respawn time for them, while you have to endure something on the lines of a 20 second respawn time.

While those times aren’t ideal in a competitive match (if you are steamrolling an opponent, you will continue to do so), they are designed for public play to allow an attacking team to advance into a team that has set up a full man defence.


RaWr ::

didn’t see the Screenshot as net was running slow. That’s a bit weird eh? :P



It is possible, we played a war yesterday on cp_pro_granary and the other team respawned in less than 5 seconds. (Even when the 3rd point was still neutral, we checked several times).


Any news here ?


mp_showrespawntimes result is normal. It shows the same on an unmodified server, it just depends of how much points which teams have etc..


RaWr ::

^^ What you have there is a list of who’s going to spawn and when. However, surely this shouldnt be accessable without rcon? Bit unfair if you bind a key to that you can tell when people will spawn and hence base strats on that…

Did the server have an external mod running? i.e AdminMod?

When people were spawning quick, what cp’s did you have captured and so on..

Also, as it was a cup game, you should have recorded a demo, upload it :P

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