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Is there a way to trade away my medals?

Created 2nd April 2016 @ 12:09

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Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

Well, it does. They’d probably want to wear it. Pubbers have quite the track record of spending ridiculous amounts of money on cosmetics.

I am honestly starting to think you’re retarded.
how does it make sense for a pub player to own a prem winner medal.
doesn’t matter how rich he is, it doesn’t make sense that he will have the opportunity to show off with it.
and who the in the right mind would want YOUR medals?



people spent quite a bit of money on the highlander challenge cup medals when they were tradable…



Quoted from Muuki

people spent quite a bit of money on the highlander challenge cup medals when they were tradable…

who said that people won’t spend money on medals if they could?
I just said people shouldn’t have a chance to own them if they don’t deserve them.


troll had been feed well, close this thread now



summoning Ganon

Timus the cat


would be cool business



Quoted from Spycy

summoning Ganon


Quoted from Phnx

who said that people won’t spend money on medals if they could?
I just said people shouldn’t have a chance to own them if they don’t deserve them.

But they are just cosmetics lol.
If it’s about recognition, it’d really make more sense to just have valve sign them. “Awarded to “Suspiciously Moist Nugget #YOLO”” Would make it clear that despite stabby stabby is wearing that medal, Suspiciously Moist Nugget #YOLO is the one who won it.
Like, what are the medals good for now? Flailing your e-dick at most lol. I’d rather just sell them, and even if they can only buy me a cheese sandwich that’s better already.

Last edited by Jedi(fla)master,


ay boy, you wanna buy sum fukin medals?



Sell your steam acc and make a new one dummy


Dr. med.

In the unlikely case this is a real thread:

ETF2L General Rules
Quoted from

1.6 Committing or supporting fraud is strictly forbidden

[…]– Non-permitted acquisition of profits (e.g. selling spots on your roster, monetizing ETF2L specific content without our permission etc.). […]

Valve is adding the medals in order to do us a favour and reward players that play competitive TF2. Most certainly they would not do it, if they had the feeling people are using these medals to make profit out of them.

Also, in a side note, how desperate must one be to feel the urge to sell medals he got for free in a free-to-play game for playing in a free-to-play league…

Last edited by DCS,


I still don’t understand why those shit players that roster ride get medals. I felt bad when I got a d2 medal for being a backup player and nearly deleted the medal, I didn’t because I could have actually been used as a backup and I think I might have backed up a couple times in scrims. Last thing we need is people being able to sell medals.


(Legendary Ratehacks)

Quoted from hr

I still don’t understand why those shit players that roster ride get medals. I felt bad when I got a d2 medal for being a backup player and nearly deleted the medal, I didn’t because I could have actually been used as a backup and I think I might have backed up a couple times in scrims. Last thing we need is people being able to sell medals.

wow you just destroyed Thalash (no hate <3)

Looking to sell my Division 5 participation medal, I value it at £1,000.

Last edited by Hildreth,



Implying that people even care about medals.

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