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Is there a way to trade away my medals?

Created 2nd April 2016 @ 12:09

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They’re cool and all but can I actually get something for them?


big fame in pubs


worst trolling attempt Ive seen in days



Trolling? I don’t even understand why they’re untradeable. They could just sign them like they do with crafted items. Does gift wrap work?


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

No, you can not trade away the medals at all, gift wrap does not work on them and neither will they ever do.

Only way to get rid of your medals is by deleting them from your inventory so you, and nobody else, can never have them.



Quoted from Bloodis

No, you can not trade away the medals at all, gift wrap does not work on them and neither will they ever do.

Only way to get rid of your medals is by deleting them from your inventory so you, and nobody else, can never have them.

Thank you, Bloodis-senpai.

That fucking sucks though.

Last edited by Jedi(fla)master,


Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

They’re cool and all but can I actually get something for them?

why would anyone want your medals EleGiggle



Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

Thank you, Bloodis-senpai.

That fucking sucks though.

yes because it makes sense for a rich pub player to buy a prem winner medal right?
logic is strong



Quoted from Phnx

yes because it makes sense for a rich pub player to buy a prem winner medal right?
logic is strong

Well, it does. They’d probably want to wear it. Pubbers have quite the track record of spending ridiculous amounts of money on cosmetics.

Last edited by Jedi(fla)master,


honestly a dumb fuckin idea


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Chopp

honestly a dumb fuckin idea



Why the fuck would they pay for a medal they can get free?


Medals should never be made tradeable. Selling them just goes against competitive spirit.

Buuuut now that we’re on the topic what about something akin to CSGO stickers? Some form of cosmetic to represent our favorite teams?



Quoted from Tseini

Why the fuck would they pay for a medal they can get free?

They can’t get the mid/high/prem or div top 3 medals for free.


(ETF2L Donator)

I got 27 different medals from various leagues, I’d gladly give up few of them to make someone else happy within.

Last edited by Cauthon,

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