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Pyro is broken

Created 2nd April 2016 @ 12:08

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Pyro is retarded and the game would probably benefit from this walking disaster being removed.



Quality banter

Carlos Kaiser

Great job on covering the topic, but the videos were too long. Unless I missed something “unidentified, probably connection related issue = lower range” and “compensating strafing with mouse movement” were the only messages (save for the freaking tryhard class matchup stuff) and it was stretched for 2 videos.
Btw memes will make people ignore the serious(?) message you wanted to tell everyone.

Last edited by Carlos Kaiser,


Quoted from Carlos Kaiser

Great job on covering the topic, but the videos were too long. Unless I missed something “unidentified, probably connection related issue = lower range” and “compensating strafing with mouse movement” were the only messages (save for the freaking tryhard class matchup stuff) and it was stretched for 2 videos.
Btw memes will make people ignore the serious(?) message you wanted to tell everyone.

Lower/higher. Can be both. You can extend your range if you have the know how and a piece of software that lets you mess with your ping (or get lucky).


You on a real meme streak man…


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