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TF2's Update that will Optimize it, is coming?

Created 18th August 2015 @ 16:09

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http://puu.sh/jDDbS/0c21503c06.png no need to watch a 5 minute video


UbeR |

Yea I’d wish the guy just quit making low content quality videos. He did the same with MM a while back.



I have a feeling that he was referring to the last update, and not TF2 in general.


Words are not deeds, dont get hyped before they actually do something…



Quoted from damneasy

Words are not deeds, dont get hyped before they actually do something…

If volvo makes a promise, volvo does it! 2 years or two weeks they do it.


Quoted from neon

http://puu.sh/jDDbS/0c21503c06.png no need to watch a 5 minute video

srsly why the fuck are we watching 5 min video that could be as easily explained with a simple screen shot


can Valve find a way, to stop DDos’ing in this game, today was not a good day to watch streams.


Regarding DDoS: No, not possible. That’s not how it works.
There are reasons why not even big companies can handle DDoS that easily, you can only throw money at DDoS protection (hardware, pricy hardware) but that only helps to a certain point. A thing which cannot be expected from simple server hosters.

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

Quoted from Kaneco

[…]srsly why the fuck are we watching 5 min video that could be as easily explained with a simple screen shot

Because clickbait wank


Quoted from evokje

[…] If volvo makes a promise, volvo does it! 2 years or two weeks they do it.

So it will come “soon”? :D


Quoted from Schalla

Regarding DDoS: No, not possible. That’s not how it works.
There are reasons why not even big companies can handle DDoS that easily, you can only throw money at DDoS protection (hardware, pricy hardware) but that only helps to a certain point. A thing which cannot be expected from simple server hosters.

That’s just sad then. :(

I thought the dos attacks in TF2 where Layer 7 attacks. Which should be fixable. Unless I’m misunderstanding how they work.


you can attack different layer. not only layer 7.


(ETF2L Donator)

I don’t think this is something we’ll be able to avoid unless we use basic prevention, which begs the question of; where are these people getting the server addresses?

If its from serverlisting websites then valve could update the server hide option. Or we could start using servers exclusive to games that might get DDOSed and only share the addresses inbetween those that play, maybe even have those servers rotate between select hostnames or something like that.

Last edited by cmd,

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