Game menu creator
Created 30th April 2009 @ 18:55
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Neat little program which will make your favorite servers being selectable from the tf2-startscreen. Make your own list with your favorite publics, standard warservers or multiplay’s pickupservers. (Instructions on the page)
This is what it will look like:
Enjoy! :P
links broke :(
Heh. Worked some mins ago. Seems like the whole homepage is down :(
Looks awesome, gonna use it.
Btw, can you make a software that also can add buttons for viewmodel on/off, viewmodel fov 50/60/70 etc? Would be awesome.
I can’t figure out how to do it by hand. :/
Its back.
Lol Numlocked, me too but mine is superior!!!
(has server commands) –
Can you do a menu generator without spa servers? :P
If you also wish to have other or your own servers available in your in-game menu, you can add them via the “Add custom server” form. Just fill out the first field with IP and port of the server and click on “Add”. The address will be validated by us (the name of the server will also be queried) and if everything went ok, it should appear in the “Custom servers” list. From there they can be added to the menu like the SpA-Servers. Password protected servers are also supported by supplying the correct password in the “Add custom server” form.
Its all standing on the page…
awesome, very useful :D
I fail. :P
It doesnt seem to work, i added all the mpuk ips and downloaded the gamemenu.res but it does not contain any IP’s :s
EDIT: If someone could paste me an example of a connect command in the GameMenu.res file i could make it :3
Thanks in advance
eon, did you drag and drop the multiplay servers to the selected servers?
Works fine for me.
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