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German internet ?

Created 19th July 2015 @ 12:46

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Hey there, I’ll be moving to germany (again) in a month or so. Most likely to a small town called Clausthal-Zellerfeld in Niedersachsen (but not 100 % sure yet). So, I don’t know what Internet provider should i choose. As a poor foreign student – I wouldn’t want it to be too expensive but at the same time I would like to be able to play on it decently and consistantly (I know i’m kinda greedy). I heard some good things about ultimedia and Kabel Deutschland.


(Weeaboo Nerd)
(XD ͜ʖXD)

Kabel Deutschland.



Some regions have local proviers that are really good and offer an excellent price/performance ratio. Nationwide I have heard good things about Kabel Deutschland but that is not available everywhere.



Kabel Deutschland is the worst by far. i’d go for telekom, my brother said his internet hasnt cut out once in 5 years



not vodafone



providers differ greatly from area to area. ask Google or fellow students.

local providers are often a great bet, but may be easy to overlook


who is?

try htp, local provider for hanover area


Thanks a bunch for the helpful and fast responses ^^ I’ll check out htp or other local providers. If not i’ll think between kabel deutschland and telekom (even tho i’m a bit sceptical about telecom).


Know enough horror stories about Telecom, I would personally avoid it. I made good experiences with 1&1 and KabelBW so far, KabelBW belongs now to UnityMedia, so that might also be a valid option.
Internet Outages is once in 2-3 weeks for 10 min at max.


just call Karl Hungus



(ETF2L Donator)
Dr. med.

Had a lot of bad moments with 1&1, their technicans couldn’t find the problem on our internet-line (we had 6 different technicans).

Then we screwed them, went to telekom and their technican fixxed it first try. Best service and quick service. In the 4years im on telekom now I only had internettroubles twice. Once was 2minutes, the other one wasnt their fault and fixxed after 4hours. Total recommendation.


Random Info: Most ISPs use the last-mile of the Telecom, its not unknown that they will love to resolve problems once you switched to the Telecom. They also love to delay the switch to another ISP. 

Last edited by Schalla,


Quoted from Schalla

KabelBW belongs now to UnityMedia, so that might also be a valid option.

since this change happened I have had more problems than before. Not sure if better.

Kabel Deutschland is either really good or really bad, depending on the area. I would strongly advice hearing some local opinions on it once you’re there.


(ETF2L Donator)
Dr. med.

Quoted from Schalla

Random Info: Most ISPs use the last-mile of the Telecom, its not unknown that they will love to resolve problems once you switched to the Telecom. They also love to delay the switch to another ISP. 

Still sucks that 1&1 cant fix the problems if they occur, doesn’t matter who owns the line/lastmile.

And about delaying the switch…i had was worse problems ending the contract easily with 1&1 than I had with telekom (even though telekom contract switch was just for mobile ;) )

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