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Journey to Mirelin's way of Medicine

Created 4th July 2015 @ 03:27

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My lovely friends, fan boys/girls or just my fellow followers. I am happy to greet all of you in my mentoring thread.

Finally I am done with my exam session and there is nothing more to distract me from my daily life.
As all of you may know, I left the competitive scene after season twenty (20), but that doesn’t mean that I am done with Team Fortress 2 and it’s community completely. Up to season 20, all of you were my inspiration, my passion and my greatest supporters that I ever could have during my Team Fortress 2 premiership career, and I am very thankful to all of you.

Often I am asked, if I am going to insomnia 55 or not. And, the answer is almost always no.
Of course, usually, during the summer, I am getting a job, but going to insomnia event means spending almost all money that I earn during the summer time.
Considering the fact that my family consists only of me and my mother, spending this amount of money for LAN is unacceptable. Being a full-time student, I have to give the best support to my family I can.

A lot of people that had asked me about lan before were quite disappointed with my negative answer. This is the reason why I decided to create this thread.

I’ve been often told to create a fundraiser with mentorship perks. My answer will be forever no, because I will never take money for sharing my knowledge. Mentorship, as well as Team Fortress 2, has been always my passion.

>>Despite everything that I have written above, everybody is welcome to get mentored by me completely for free. From the dodging, to the sensible positioning. From the individual play-style up to the team coordination and team play. I am not that masterful in terms of the tactics, but if you are a medic player who is struggling with something hard; I will manage to help you in all possible ways :)

I don’t know if I am still that popular (or was I popular at all? Not for me to decide), but I will try to keep things nice. Being overwhelmed is not nice, as a result, if you are willing to get my support, leave a comment with a link to your steam profile. As soon as I am available (usually during the day), I will immediately add you.
If by any chance you can’t post messages in this thread, you are welcome to e-mail me here: [email protected]

If you are offline, make sure to message me when you are online.
Please, don’t force me to mentor you for the whole day. Be nice, 1 or 2 hours is more than enough for a day :>.

>>I know that I have already created a thread “Over the Rainbow”, and creating the new thread with the same purpose looks just weird. However, this thread has a slightly different need.

If you were very happy with my mentorship and you are feeling like rewarding me in some way, you can feel free to donate. It’s completely unnecessary, as I said. However, all the money will go for the lan needs:

-Boarding ticket
-Insomnia spectator or maybe player ticket (If I actually get a team to play with)
-Train tickets.

>>If I manage to get at least 400 EUROS, then I am 100% ready to get to lan as a spectator. Considering the fact that I won’t be playing, I can offer some live at lan mentorships as well. Wouldn’t mind to cast some games too, by the way.

If I don’t manage to get the needed money amount, the money will go directly for Team Fortress 2 needs. Maybe the prize pool increase?

Paypal Account e-mail: [email protected]
Donating is not necessary, but is appreciated.
Waiting for people’s nicknames. By the way, weapon signing is also possible.

P.S. If by some luck my previous students noticed this thread, all of you are welcome to give here a feedback about the mentor sessions you have had with me before.
Any other suggestions are also welcome.


Donator list
R.E.M. – 7 EUR.
Schalla – 20 EUR.
Raptor – 30 EUR.
KaleidoChameleon – 10 EUR

Last edited by Mirelin,



You seem like such a nice guy.


Quoted from nijoonen

You seem like such a nice guy.

Fan vad du ar bra.


We need to get Mirelin to LAN to cast the matches



Quoted from Eisen

We need to get Mirelin to LAN to cast the matches


(Legendary Ratehacks)

Most people know mirelin as the trolling Joker he is in interviews etc but i can tell you based on playing with him that he is a beast when it comes to TF2 mechanics. His general overview of high pressure situations ingame is awesome and definetly a trait people should look up to. So if anyone out there is interested to step up their game (not only medic tbh
movement and positioning applies for all classes/same for gamesense) you should definetly try to get in contact with him!


The hero etf2l needs. The lack of gamesense in players is disturbing nowadays.


Quoted from doks

The hero etf2l needs. The lack of gamesense in players is disturbing nowadays.




I had the best mentor sessions with him
Thanks mirelin,will instantly donate so you can come to LAN <3


would love to review one or two demos, added.


hes the best buddy and mentor i could have wished for, will definitely donate so i can bang him out, marry him and take him with me to britain :3


Never met you before but from reading your posts you seem like a really cool guy. I’ve donated, I hope you get to LAN.

I would like to be mentored by you as I’m always looking for advice on how to improve my game as medic but only if you have the time.





^ Never been more appropriate, where can I donate?

Edit- Got it, through Paypal: Paypal Account e-mail: [email protected]

Last edited by Hildreth,


This guy actually teaches random scrubs on pickups even when he doesn’t need to. He used to at least. Great guy and for the love of god pls get him as a caster.


Would love to get mentored by the best medic in EU added :)


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