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The Gun Mettle Update

Created 2nd July 2015 @ 03:01

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Just confirmed cases

People seem to be certain that competitive MM will cost money, has anyone actually confirmed it? I’m not really sure. It’s just a beta pass to test it when it’s going to beta…


Very unlikely imho. At least not stuff like pay per match etc, maybe you have to buy once in the shop. 



From the info shared so far, it looks like the matchmaking will likely be gated behind a single purchase pass that will cost between 5 and 10$.

I don’t think this decision is motivated by greed, but rather by necessity – Valve has learned the hard way that a matchmaking system with too low of an entry cost can get obliterated by cheaters.

Leagues have survived with allowing free2play users because of the small size of the competitive scene, the effort involved in signing up and finding a team, the effort involed in hiding alt accounts and the requirement of a good reputation to play in higher divisions. This does deter cheating to some extent – if you get banned, returning to the league involves actual effort, especially if you don’t want to go through Open again.

Built-in matchmaking has none of these things. After you get banned for cheating, you can create a new Steam account and be back in the lobby in less than 20 minutes. Matchmaking with no entry cost would be absolutely destroyed by cheaters within days of launch.

If nothing else, purchasing a matchmaking pass may inspire at least a little bit of commitment from users. After all, they did fork out money for it, so they have a reason to stick with it and try to get their money’s worth.


Actually I would appreciate it when they would do something like this. Its worth the hassle saved



Just unboxed a Battle Scared Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher

go me


hi im dog

Good job valve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttATFoOsHog&feature=youtu.be



Quoted from JacquesLEB

Good job valve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttATFoOsHog&feature=youtu.be

Had that final uber push failed he could have just dropped back to lobby to pick up his old medigun with 40% uber on it.



Is there a way to not show all the dropped weapons?



what as in only show dropped mediguns?

Now I get why they released all these ugly camouflage skins. You can give $ to valve for skins that hide the medigun with the ground ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Quoted from Henghast

what as in only show dropped mediguns?

I mean not show any dropped weapons (I assume they’ll change medigun drops). Loads of weapons everywhere, maybe that’s what’s killing the framerate.



Well they disappear after 30 seconds, so it shouldn’t cause big problems with framerate.


Dr. med.

tf_dropped_weapon_lifetime 0 disables the weapon drops, you need Sourcemod for it though. Or do it like the UGC and disallow healgun pickups on a honour-based system, i.e. not allowed, but possible in the game.

It’s still early after the patch, maybe people will adjust to the change though.



Quoted from Selek

tf_dropped_weapon_lifetime 0 disables the weapon drops, you need Sourcemod for it though. Or do it like the UGC and disallow healgun pickups on a honour-based system, i.e. not allowed, but possible in the game.

It’s still early after the patch, maybe people will adjust to the change though.

I hope they will allow this next season at least, cause its one of the more interesting things in this update.

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