stark is a little gypsy boy
Created 8th June 2015 @ 01:18
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Quoted from Starkie
hello?? i said i’d give you what was in my wallet but you took so long deciding you never actually picked anything from the market
You can’t trade items you bought from the store or market for 7 days.
The plot thickens, Tony the toxic Tiger..
toxic tony sounds better
Delfin The Dragonborn 14 Sep, 2014 @ 5:43am
This user right here is a team fortress 2 cheater aswell as spawncamper. He has been harassing our team for the whole game aswell as with his friend “Mould”. Report him.
– reputation, nasty guy. If anyone needs proofs , just contact me.
looks like he was right all along?
Last edited by mrwhizz,
haha, i can’t believe tony lost to sideshow in mge???? was he on drugs? fucking junkies ruining tf2
Damn Sideshow, that sounds wrong.
You should submit a Money Claim online:
Take him to the courts!
i cant believe i offered to buy him a pint at lan
what a gyppo
the OLD stark wasnt a pussy
i beat him on the originally intended map easy style
i found him later trying to find comfort in watching his favourite video (look at me trimp, eating all the shrimp)
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