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Interest in TF2Pug.Me in Europe?

Created 31st May 2015 @ 04:26

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Hey guys,

Thanks for showing some interest. My biggest concern with considering pugme in EU is competing with pickup.net. I’m only interested in what’s best for the community, not in promoting my own site. For example I think pickup.net entering NA would be a terrible idea; there simply isn’t enough players to support both services and I have the same concern with bringing pugme to EU.

Now say this does happen, are you guys only interested in div2+ (Or whatever your division system looks like now), or an open to anyone system? I argue against the restricted method only because of captain mode. The idea of captain mode is that the best players should always be picked, and this allows pugs to continue happening even when there aren’t enough div2+ players online.

I’d like to hear some thoughts from anyone involved in running pickup.net, if someone could direct them here. Let me know what you guys think.




What most people in this thread are interested in is a web based pug2.
I remember pug2 being prem + div 1, then prem + div 1 and people that did well in d2 and then prem/d1/d2. (so not an open system)
I’m also not sure how much people are interested in captains mode here btw.



Should keep the restrictions they used on the old pu2, only top half of high + prem, restrictions per class etc.


(a boT from the North)

sounds good



Yeah that’d be pretty cool.



you barely ever get picked in tf2pug.me if the captains dont know you


(ETF2L Donator)

sounds sick!


Why would we need a pugme in europe honestly when we have tf2pickup which has been around for much longer and has cemented itself as the main pickup site and to be honest is better feature wise than pugme

Pugme afaik is not invite only so it wouldn’t change a thing it would only divide the community if anythhing.

I have talked to lamqta about the possibility of adding a different queue in tf2pickup by invite only or for high / prem players but he said the playerpool is too small atm to divide by skill in tf2pickup

It wouldn’t be hard to add this now that we have new devs tho but assuming we did it, everyone in that skill range would play those pickups instead and the normal queue times would suffer because a lot high level players play normal pickups already

Last edited by Kaneco,



Really good idea tbh


I don’t think “dividing the playerbase” as an argument works as top level players barely play pickups and if ever, they offclass. A service like pug2 with restricitons is actually aimed at a playerbase that wouldn’t use the service of tf2pickup otherwise.


Quoted from letto

I don’t think “dividing the playerbase” as an argument works as top level players barely play pickups and if ever, they offclass. A service like pug2 with restricitons is actually aimed at a playerbase that wouldn’t use the service of tf2pickup otherwise.

Well the original pugme service doesn’t have those restrictions either so I don’t know what you’re aiming at here since pugme is basically tf2pickup only with a captain system.

And anything that dango can do, with all due respect we can do better now that we got new devs and a whole team working on the site, our priority atm is a complete redesign and rework of the site from the ground up so that it’s optimized and no more socket bugs happen, I have seen the WIP and believe me it’s looking slick, 10 times better than the current site.

As for a invite only pickup Lamqta confirmed me that it’s in to-do list, after we relaunch the site.

Last edited by Kaneco,



Quoted from letto

I don’t think “dividing the playerbase” as an argument works as top level players barely play pickups and if ever, they offclass. A service like pug2 with restricitons is actually aimed at a playerbase that wouldn’t use the service of tf2pickup otherwise.

thats not actually that true. The last week I’ve seen at least 2+ high, high+ players on main class in nearly every pickup. Confirmation bias perhaps and you dont see quite so many of the best prem players in but theres a fair few that would be in a pug2 system playing mainclass in tf2pickup.




(ETF2L Donator)

I honestly don’t think this is a great idea. You’d be splitting the playerbase between tf2pugme and tf2pickup.

Even if you tried to exploit the niche that pug2 left open, doublemixes were the reason pug2 died anyway. People don’t enjoy having to wait for pickups to fill with a tiny playerbase that are all class-restricted when they can just get 12 people in a mumble and do it themselves.

If you want to do this even so, restricting it to only letting you add up if you’re on a High or Prem team would be the easiest way to do it automatically. Without class restrictions imo, but with captain mode.


You have to consider that if it’ll be restricted to prem and high or top high players, ppl would be more interested and willing to play, because let’s be honest, often what forces people to not play or play few pickups, is because of the skill level. Maybe non restricting classes, would be a better idea

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