Wanna know something about the anti cheat staff
Created 8th April 2015 @ 23:23
Locked Pages: 1
SO, i was playing mge with a friend as solly (he was scout), and i played quite well like hitting a shitton of airs, all splash damages, … so my friend said ‘oi did u activate your triggerhack’ as a joke. Then some ‘lil cunt (*w*) saw this messgae and went spectator and spectated me:
I went demo, he stayed scout, and as demo i basically do 50 % of my pipes out of complete prediction, and the other part are reflexes i guess. So i sometime guessed right and hit a few great pipes (they seemed random to that ‘lil cunt (*w*)) and some i completely missed because my prediction of his strafing was totally bad. So this spectator guy really thought i had a triggerbot because i apparently missed super easy ones, hit some ridiculous ones, and that my aim was bad except at the moment i hit, like some kind of bot ; at this point i wanna say that i do not track when i aim, i just ‘flip’ a bit to get on the target, and that is mostly because i play with a touchpad (yes, i know aha: i’m actually doing pretty good on my good days *w*). And this guy was totally convinced i was cheating, he recorded it, and send it to some guy from anti cheat ?!? idk if he just lied to ‘impress’ me or not but he was really convinced i hacked :x
So my question is would people of the anti cheat staff (i’m probably playing in s21) think aiming ‘at the last moment’ is hacking, cause this guy really was sure of him :x ( he was in open tho c:)
so yeah :/
aha, the guy who said i was hacking was french too, i guess our community is kinda shit uh.
MGE is full of salty people, ignore.
Last edited by Popcorp,
The answer to your question is “no”.
Contrary to popular belief, the anti-cheat staff do contain some knowledge of how cheats work.
Man I clicked expecting some real juicy drama
Quoted from hr
Man I clicked expecting some real juicy drama
Quoted from hr
Man I clicked expecting some real juicy drama
forums been so boring for the last week, I got so excited when I saw the title
But no, thread is trash
Last edited by cmd,
If you don’t cheat you wont get banned.
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