Want your game casted? Submit it here!
Created 16th March 2015 @ 15:53
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Some of your people may have heard of EVLTV, they are a small(?) casting group, who mainly cast US games, but they are looking for games to cast currently. Submit your demos here:
Quote from news post
With the offseason approaching our casters are going to be looking to get some casting in. If you have any off the wall games you want casted by any of our amazing casters please do not hesitate to fill out the form (link is in the group description).
Our casters cover everything from Iron all the way up to Platinum in the UGC League, Open and Intermediate in ESEA and any other little events that the community has hosted.
If you have any questions feel free to comment below or add evlTV-Yoshi to get a faster response.
Thanks again everyone!
It’s free etc, no catches. Casters looking to get some experience :)
Last edited by deathyy,
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