Etf2l New div system
Created 10th March 2015 @ 14:38
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Maybe there should be 6 tiers then
Quoted from NeuTronas
Maybe there should be 6 tiers then
if there will be enough teams i think it can work good
There should be more tiers, because there are a lot of new teams that just started competitive and have to play against people with experience (Div 5 or teams that did decent in Div 6 last season), Tiers should be changed to Open – Div 6, Low – 5/4, Mid – 3/2, High – Div 1 and Prem.
Feels more balanced, I keep seeing people telling to Div 6 players LOL GET GOOD STOP CRYING, GET GOOD AND BEAT DIV 5 TEAMS, well then why not Combine Prem and Div 1 into 1 Tier (High) and we’ll see who is going to cry then, for unbalanced games, we gonna say the same, LOL DIV 1 TEAMS GET GOOD AND BEAT PREM TEAMS XDD
Last edited by Popcorp,
Quoted from Popcorp
There should be more tiers, because there are a lot of new teams that just started competitive and have to play against people with experience (Div 5 or teams that did decent in Div 6 last season), Tiers should be changed to Open – Div 6, Low – 5/4, Mid – 3/2, High – Div 1 and Prem.
Feels more balanced, I keep seeing people telling to Div 6 players LOL GET GOOD STOP CRYING, GET GOOD AND BEAT DIV 5 TEAMS, well then why not Combine Prem and Div 1 into 1 Tier (High) and we’ll see who is going to cry then, for unbalanced games, we gonna say the same, LOL DIV 1 TEAMS GET GOOD AND BEAT PREM TEAMS XDD
What’s the point in having a competition if the attitude is going to be “everyone’s a winner!!!”.
Quoted from Popcorp
There should be more tiers, because there are a lot of new teams that just started competitive and have to play against people with experience (Div 5 or teams that did decent in Div 6 last season), Tiers should be changed to Open – Div 6, Low – 5/4, Mid – 3/2, High – Div 1 and Prem.
Feels more balanced, I keep seeing people telling to Div 6 players LOL GET GOOD STOP CRYING, GET GOOD AND BEAT DIV 5 TEAMS, well then why not Combine Prem and Div 1 into 1 Tier (High) and we’ll see who is going to cry then, for unbalanced games, we gonna say the same, LOL DIV 1 TEAMS GET GOOD AND BEAT PREM TEAMS XDD
First of all, more tiers means less prizes per Tier, having two prizes of €25 (€4 each) and €40 (€6 each) is not as beneficial as a single prize of €65 (€11 each).
Second, Swiss System needs a substantial number of teams to work, having High as only div1 isn’t possible.
“There should be more tiers, because there are a lot of new teams that just started competitive and have to play against people with experience (Div 5 or teams that did decent in Div 6 last season)”
Is it hard to understand that over the course of the season teams play against teams of a similar skill? That’s the whole point of the system. Fixtures in Week 1 and Week 2 might be slightly unbalanced, but fixtures are always going to unbalanced in the lowest division/tier because new players to ETF2L can have such a wide range of skill levels.
They are seeding the tiers for Week 1 and Week 2 so that new teams don’t have to play div5 teams.
hope they keep the tier system
Maybe we should have more weeks then for the swiss system to kick in properly? Maybe 7 fixtures isnt enough? My thoughts.
You keep using those words: “handling a tier” , “balance”. I think you mean something else.
You claim that the previous seasons were more balanced than the swiss system, do you even know how the system works?
Have you competed in the previous seasons long enough to be able to compare them to the current one? I don’t think so.
Balance is the only reason this system was implemented in the first place.
It’s the best way we have to try and generate equal matchups, period.
Your issue isn’t about fair matches and balanced tiers.
Your issue is that you’re performing sub-par.
You aren’t good enough to win a tier so you blame the system instead of trying to better yourself.
You’d rather have the div system back where you can potentially be the big fish in the pond as oppose to the small fish in the lake.
Fact of the matter is: Unless you’re amongst the absolute best teams in your tier you can’t place top, you’re not supposed to place top, you don’t deserve to place top , let alone first.
Would a completely new team have better chances in a tier consisting of only new teams?
Would the div5 winners of last season have a better chance in div4 than in mid-tier?
Maybe…maybe not.
Take a look at the current open tier. The 1st place team is completely new.
Did you see them complaining about being put in a tier with more experienced teams?
No. They buckled up, put some effort into their game and spend the time practicing instead of bitching.
Life is hard, ETF2L is harder.
There’s only winners and losers, no consolation price for 27th place.
If you want to achieve better results then do something for it.
We all have two eyes, two hands, some of us even have a brain.
You’re no different from the people placing top in prem/high/mid/open outside of the fact that they put more effort into the game than you do.
The only sort of reasonable complaint I see is people saying they lose motivation with nothing to play for. I think the motivation these people had for creating or joining teams is no longer relevant, and maybe was misguided in the first place, and if you actually want to improve with a group of players the tier system is better. Like, this season you finish near the bottom so next season you aim for top half, and you’re usually playing teams roughly equal to you so you know your improvement is genuine and not just an effect of having a lucky div.
Quoted from haris
Maybe we should have more weeks then for the swiss system to kick in properly? Maybe 7 fixtures isnt enough? My thoughts.
We’d need way more teams for that in order to avoid duplicate matches throughout the season.
Right now the swiss system kicks in approx. after Week 2.
Depending on the size of your tier the next few matches (W3,4,5) will be the most balanced ones in the whole season because you’ll be able to play against teams who have the same points as you.
The last week matches get a bit unbalanced again.
To give you an example out of high tier:
ELOGURL had their most balanced match in Week 4 against
Bring Back the Funk who , at the time, had an equal amount of points as their opponents.
Compare that to their most recent opponents Team Infamous who have a third less points than them,
The reason why the 1st place team is playing against the 6th place team is because they’ve already played against every other team that’s in places 2nd to 5th, so the most equal match left is this one.
If high tier was bigger then there would be more top teams to choose from, allowing for more balanced matchups in the later weeks.
But as it is now extending the season length will just make for more imbalanced matchups in the very late weeks because the top teams run out of other top teams to play officials against.
Not to mention that the schedule for a 6s season is very tight, we can’t afford to extend the length of it unless you only want like a single season per year
Quoted from Permzilla
First of all, more tiers means less prizes per Tier, having two prizes of €25 (€4 each) and €40 (€6 each) is not as beneficial as a single prize of €65 (€11 each).
I miss when the game wasn’t about playing for prizes ;_; Is something like €11 euro’s really that special?
Quoted from Popcorp
There should be more tiers, because there are a lot of new teams that just started competitive and have to play against people with experience (Div 5 or teams that did decent in Div 6 last season), Tiers should be changed to Open – Div 6, Low – 5/4, Mid – 3/2, High – Div 1 and Prem.
Feels more balanced, I keep seeing people telling to Div 6 players LOL GET GOOD STOP CRYING, GET GOOD AND BEAT DIV 5 TEAMS, well then why not Combine Prem and Div 1 into 1 Tier (High) and we’ll see who is going to cry then, for unbalanced games, we gonna say the same, LOL DIV 1 TEAMS GET GOOD AND BEAT PREM TEAMS XDD
the premteams even have their own pages like they are special and do not belong to the other etf2l-teams luuuuul
get good
Quoted from schocky
the premteams even have their own pages like they are special and do not belong to the other etf2l-teams luuuuul
The prem teams have their own page because we couldnt create a competition running two different systems, therefore High, Mid and Open (running the Swiss system) have their own pages and Prem (running the Round Robin system) have their own page.
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