Created 17th February 2015 @ 07:09
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So, I notice, that Winger has unnoticed penalty:
Less accuraсy than default pistol.
And this and less clip size make Winger totally useless in combat action.
So, will VOLVO fix accuracy or not?
PS: Finally, S. Winger went out. I’ve waited it for one million years, srsly.
PPS: AWPer’s too, very well, VOLVO.
Last edited by Spriggan,
are you pulling these informations out of your ass or do you something to back it up?
There are downsides to some weapons that are not mentioned in the description, but i don`t think winger is less accurate…
Winger is a really good unlock in the sense that it offers something different and unique (the ability to jump greater heights) and you see it add to the gameplay but of course it takes away from the power of the secondary weapon. It offers an interesting trade off between damage and mobility. This is what a good unlock is, gives the player a choice of power vs mobility, changes smaller aspects of the game which allows the little things to be different.
First time I saw it, I noticed Rake using it on Granary Mids to jump on the crates through an alternative route, giving him an element of surprise to deny jumpers or flank. That’s the sort of premise that makes it really good. The lack of accuracy and reduced clip size is the penalty and a fair one, nothing wrong with it, it’s a near perfect unlock and adds so much to the game.
I once heard that people made these threads for fame and not for the actual topic. What kind of opening to a debate is that? I also heard 492782987342 weapons having nerf’s making them still useless in combat.
It’s an alternative weapon, plenty of other weapons and classes you can play if you don’t like the ‘winger’. These threads of weapon imbalance are getting tedious and boring especially when they aren’t even backed up logically or in an educational fashion…
+1 to what Hildreth said, close this thread and move along same goes for loose cannon sh*t.
Last edited by byte,
Quoted from Herr_P
This post was so dumb that it brought byte out of retirement.
In a way, the winger is the scout’s gunboats.
I can back up this one every time I use the winger I miss all my shots.
As a professional gamer I can say that you’re just missing your shots, I went 20-14 vs. NiCo on MGE (prem scout so I lost), so I am note than qualified
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