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Discussion Thread: s20 unlocks

Created 14th December 2014 @ 20:02

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direct hit allowed… rip 6s


Those unlocks specially the dh ruin the game. Back when i started playing competitive you needed skill to play and now we have dh. DH ruins the game one shots the scouts, one shots the medics and 180 damage on mid air enemies and It doesn’t require skill to use…..why don’t we go back to the old whitelist ? When only few unlocks were used…and the game was more fun and competitive. Now with the dh is terrible no jumps and no scout a death game based on spam and passive actions. This is not competitive tf2 anymore.


Same was said about Phlog in HL whitelist. So much complaining on how broken the weapon is yet I haven’t seen it being used seriously throughout the entire season.


Quoted from robin

Those unlocks specially the dh ruin the game. Back when i started playing competitive you needed skill to play and now we have dh. DH ruins the game one shots the scouts, one shots the medics and 180 damage on mid air enemies and It doesn’t require skill to use…..why don’t we go back to the old whitelist ? When only few unlocks were used…and the game was more fun and competitive. Now with the dh is terrible no jumps and no scout a death game based on spam and passive actions. This is not competitive tf2 anymore.

For one thing the direct hit does not one shot medics, it has a max damage of 140 so you’re talking shit. Secondly the DH is bad but it has situational use so we’re not going to see it all the time just like we don’t see it in ESEA all the time. Finally do you really want to go back to before gunboats were allowed? Does anyone on ETF2L really think that is better for the game?



I think there’s no place for the dh in 6v6.
This weapon slows the game; using the dh you won’t do many jump-actions. Also a soldier who’s using a normal rl won’t jump a lot, since arishtots with the dh are very easy to do and cause lot of damage.
It easy counter scouts ( oneshotting them from short distance ), snipers and heavy.

PS. I play soldier.


Quoted from robin

Those unlocks specially the dh ruin the game. Back when i started playing competitive you needed skill to play and now we have dh. DH ruins the game one shots the scouts, one shots the medics and 180 damage on mid air enemies and It doesn’t require skill to use…..why don’t we go back to the old whitelist ? When only few unlocks were used…and the game was more fun and competitive. Now with the dh is terrible no jumps and no scout a death game based on spam and passive actions. This is not competitive tf2 anymore.

So by your logic, american comp is not competitive? Most of these unlocks are allowed in ESEA and there’s no problems with them. They all offer some advantage, but a much bigger downside. More unlocks is a good thing, I don’t suppose you were around when medic unlocks were the only things allowed? That shit was boring to play and to watch.



Quoted from Meeto


So by your logic, american comp is not competitive? Most of these unlocks are allowed in ESEA and there’s no problems with them. They all offer some advantage, but a much bigger downside. More unlocks is a good thing, I don’t suppose you were around when medic unlocks were the only things allowed? That shit was boring to play and to watch.

I’m fine to allow some unlocks to make games more different and funny, but direct hit really ruins the meta. We can’t say it is a balanced weapon, a weapon that oneshot 2 ppl on 6 just spamming it’s not balanced at all. DH also slow games and make ppl to be scared to jump.
Allow the Pretty Boy’s Pocket Pistol at least…



It’s a good thing Mixup never realised how good the dh was or they could’ve stopped b4nny and clockwork all those times.

Some of the posts here are mental.

Allow the new demo stuff for s20 pls.


Quoted from BeS


I’m fine to allow some unlocks to make games more different and funny, but direct hit really ruins the meta. We can’t say it is a balanced weapon, a weapon that oneshot 2 ppl on 6 just spamming it’s not balanced at all. DH also slow games and make ppl to be scared to jump.
Allow the Pretty Boy’s Pocket Pistol at least…

It doesn’t ruin the meta, at all. In fact, it barely even affects the meta. You can’t one shot scouts unless they run at you like retards, in which case they’d most likely get fragged anyway. You also seem to be forgetting the direct hit has practically no splash damage, making spamming redundant.


(ETF2L Donator)

Didn’t the direct hit recently get nerfed whereby it can no longer one shot any class? If so, how can you still argue that is it overpowered?


Quoted from b33p

Didn’t the direct hit recently get nerfed whereby it can no longer one shot any class? If so, how can you still argue that is it overpowered?

no thats the loch and load…



The only real use I’ve found so far where to DH is a lot better than stock is on granary last defense, otherwise in almost all other scenario’s stock is more versatile and stronger.

I played with the DH a lot once it was allowed on TF2Pickup, and others did as well, but now some weeks have past and nearly nobody uses it anymore because of how important splash is. You’ll always see certain players running the DH once it will be allowed s20, does that mean it will be the reason your team lost? Most certainly not.

Competition is a lot about adapting to the situation, if you’re still going for those point blank meatshots like a retarded scout then yes, you will die a lot against a DH user.



Direct hit won’t make anyone lose.
it will be frustrating to play against and will make the experience a lot less fun for the other team.
doesn’t matter the result.



Well that’s the point tho, you shouldn’t ban a weapon because it’s a little frustrating to play against, that is just straight dumb. A weapon should only be banned when it’s really broken (pomson).



Quoted from robin

Those unlocks specially the dh ruin the game. Back when i started playing competitive you needed skill to play and now we have dh. DH ruins the game one shots the scouts, one shots the medics and 180 damage on mid air enemies and It doesn’t require skill to use…..why don’t we go back to the old whitelist ? When only few unlocks were used…and the game was more fun and competitive. Now with the dh is terrible no jumps and no scout a death game based on spam and passive actions. This is not competitive tf2 anymore.


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