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Help! If TF2 had CS:GO ranks what would they be?

Created 12th December 2014 @ 16:23

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Gentleman Jon

I’m begging for help with a new website. Some of you may know that I’ve worked on creating a rating system for TF2 balancing and ranking as detailed here http://www.vanillatf2.org/2014/08/zen-and-the-art-of-balancing-a-lobby/, and despite my titanic efforts implementation in lobby services is basically nil and not coming any time soon, so because zoob is so godlike and makes all the data necessary available to everyone I’m going to do it myself, and maybe if it’s available as a web service it might get used.

But I don’t really want to publish precise ranking figures because they expose the system more to being gamed, like CS I’d rather hide these behind rank names like these: http://www.pro-hl.com/images/prohl/csgo_ranks.jpg

And because I have no imagination I’m throwing it open to you. What rank names do you want to see? Do we just need a tier number instead of a name?

This should be ready in a matter of weeks so if you want to be at the top of the ranks you need to get your try-hard hats on and start crushing faces at TF2Center or TF2Pickup.


from lowest to highest
HL 1-4
HL master
6V6 1-4
6v6 master

Or then just make it like mge elo




just elo tbh




(ETF2L Donator)

I would base them on in-game references, unlike CSGO, but try not to make them really cringeworthy like the duck thing. I think limiting them to a few ranks, but subdividing them into 1,2,3 etc is the way to go as well.

I also think that making them in any way realistic is dumb, they should mirror the amusing style of the game itself. The way I am imagining them is split broadly into 3 parts – lowest ranks are insults (No-hopers, Ankle-biters, Free2Play, Gibus, Hat-Collector, Damage Sponge) that slowly work up to being average (Pubstomper, Water Buffalo), then the final part is extraordinary hyperbole (Force-A-Nature, Aimbot, Legendary Seagull etc)



Just go with tier numbers, it’s easier to understand. Or use rank names like – bronze, silver, gold, plat and maybe divide them in subranks (silver 1, silver 2, etc). But keep them simple, so it’s logical and easy to understand.

BTW, will there be different rank for each class or one overall rank for each player?


Sawmill Strongman 1
Sawmill Strongman 2
Sawmill Strongman 3
Sawmill Strongman 4
Sawmill Strongman Elite
Sawmill Strongman Elite Master
Control Point Commando 1
Control Point Commando 2
Control Point Commando 3
Control Point Commando Master
Teufort Triggermann 1
Teufort Triggermann 2
Teufort Triggermann Elite
Distinguished Teufort Triggermann
Bad Mann of the Badlands
Bad Mann of the Badlands Master
Mannifest Destiny
The Gentle Mann of Leisure

Gentleman Jon

Quoted from Kilgors

BTW, will there be different rank for each class or one overall rank for each player?

It will be per class, you need about 9 or 10 games on the class to get a rank (like CS coincidentally).

There won’t be any difference between HL and 6s though, I found that there is no benefit in terms of overall ranking accuracy to separate them. Some may disagree but I have to go with the research.



Bottom rank should be trader


( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9

use the same ones as stranges because almost everyone knows those



UGC kind of ranks would work Iron, Steel, Silver, Gold, Plat. But it might be confusing. Or what jwso said.

Last edited by Hajdzik,

div 0-6


Quoted from Gentleman Jon

It will be per class, you need about 9 or 10 games on the class to get a rank (like CS coincidentally).

There won’t be any difference between HL and 6s though, I found that there is no benefit in terms of overall ranking accuracy to separate them. Some may disagree but I have to go with the research.

It’s 10 wins not games in the CS:GO, but since it’s a coincident it’s fine I guess :D

Last edited by CHERRY,


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Quoted from fanny_filth

div 0-6

Preferably not, considering that there are some new people who come to ETF2L and keep making the div 1-2 rec posts, thinking that it’s the newbie division.

The UGC division ranking could go well since it’s more understandable that plat/gold is way more above steel/iron.

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