Is the Spycicle broken for anyone else or just me?
Created 30th October 2014 @ 03:40
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After the Halloween update the spycicle is not working as intended, at least for me. When you get lit by a pyro the “extinguishing” sound plays, you lose the knife, but you’re still on fire…
After some testing in tr_walkway it seems that the bug is that the 2 second fire immunity of the spycicle does not work. That is, if I’m on fire and pull the spycicle out, it will extinguish the flames, but if I take even one single tick of fire damage the moment after I pull it out, I will get lit on fire and take full damage again.
Quoted from Vitilumi
Is Valve just silently nerfing/buffing weapons?
probably just breaking shit
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