Is tf2 dead yet? Where's the old school guys @?
Created 14th October 2014 @ 01:41
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Quoted from aura
Good times.
I think my motivations in life as a fresh faced nerd in his late teens in College keen to win Division 6 to a hardened veteran nearly in his mid-twneties in full time employment struggling in Low Prem season after season…have changed.
Simply put there isn’t much you can achieve in this game worth the investment in time, so you play as long as it’s still fun, and when it stops being fun, time to move on – this season of 6’s will be my last unless I can find more enjoyment out of the time I invest in TF2. That stems from playing with the right group of people.
Quoted from Hildreth
Good times.
I think my motivations in life as a fresh faced nerd in his late teens in College keen to win Division 6 to a hardened veteran nearly in his mid-twneties in full time employment struggling in Low Prem season after season…have changed.
Simply put there isn’t much you can achieve in this game worth the investment in time, so you play as long as it’s still fun, and when it stops being fun, time to move on – this season of 6’s will be my last unless I can find more enjoyment out of the time I invest in TF2. That stems from playing with the right group of people.
you can always go back to lower divisions and enjoy tf2 again, as long as its with right group of people that wont make you mad for being terrible
lolage havent seen you in a while
fucking hell, fisshu is alive
hey jimmybreeze – this (circa. july 2008) has just reminded me how you stole hopex. I hope you still feel guilty about this, because i’m still hurting :(
Quoted from Nymthae
hey jimmybreeze – this (circa. july 2008) has just reminded me how you stole hopex. I hope you still feel guilty about this, because i’m still hurting :(
haha, that actually caused us a lot of trouble because we had two excellent demomen with hope and mar, then demolimit 1 happened and it was tough to rotate them. I actually voted against demolimit 1 for that reason!
but if it’s any consolation, me and hope have become great friends irl, he is such a gentleman and remembers all of his tf2 exploits with a gracious fondness.
Last edited by JimmyBreeze,
Quoted from JimmyBreeze
haha, that actually caused us a lot of trouble because we had two excellent demomen with hope and mar, then demolimit 1 happened and it was tough to rotate them. I actually voted against demolimit 1 for that reason!
but if it’s any consolation, me and hope have become great friends irl, he is such a gentleman and remembers all of his tf2 exploits with a gracious fondness
I don’t think i’ve spoken to him for a couple of years now, used to catch him infrequently. That is lovely to hear though :3
Yea he’s the best, so thank you for introducing him to my life, even if it was an act of blatant poaching.
I seem to remember playing vs you guys on Gravel Pit once and Hopex had a supernatural ability to pipe me, like I was magnetic to pipes. It was love at first sight.
bonus little known hopex fact: he emailed valve a prototype idea for STV spec mode, then they implemented a version of that, and he never got any credit for it. not even a community weapon. an unsung hero of the scene.
Quoted from irfx
At first it was 4 kings vs crack clan, then dignitas vs crack clan, then dignitas vs power gaming, then tf2 died. From those teams only ryb still plays, what a mammoth
Last edited by Prochips,
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