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microphone/mumble not working

Created 19th September 2014 @ 22:18

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I now kind of know what is going on but i don’t know how to fix it.
When i enter audio wizard it detects my voice from my microphone but it does not play it back, i find this strange becaue on skype/ts3 it works just fine i checked.

Can anyone help?

Last edited by akachu,



Thanks for the in depth description of what the actual problem is!



Quoted from deathyy

Thanks for the in depth description of what the actual problem is!


i cant go in depth really.
this is the problem.



So you’re mic is not working? When you talk in mumble it doesn’t pick up your mic?


Quoted from deathyy

So you’re mic is not working? When you talk in mumble it doesn’t pick up your mic?

my microphone is working with every program but mumble. i did all the obvious shit like audio wizard and it just doesnt work.


bumperino please look at my edited first post.


Are you sure your mic is setup as the input device in the audio wizard?

Also, are you using a dedicated sound card or is it onboard?

Spike Himself


Quoted from akachu

When i enter audio wizard it detects my voice from my microphone but it does not play it back

This is normal – why would you want to hear your own voice anyway?



Quoted from Spike Himself


This is normal – why would you want to hear your own voice anyway?

There’s definitely a point in the audio wizard where you hear yourself with basically a second delay.


Quoted from mrwhizz

Are you sure your mic is setup as the input device in the audio wizard?

Also, are you using a dedicated sound card or is it onboard?

it worked again for a while so ignored this thread, but it just recently broke again after i change one little settings. i was simply changing my button that i use for push to talk.


Quoted from akachu


it worked again for a while so ignored this thread, but it just recently broke again after i change one little settings. i was simply changing my button that i use for push to talk.

go back and look what settings were changed.


Quoted from selsper


go back and look what settings were changed.

i have tried freaking everything settings wise, its probably a very retarded problem but i just cant figure it out.



Perhaps your mic’s cable is broken and sometimes just happens to work.


Quoted from sorsa

Perhaps your mic’s cable is broken and sometimes just happens to work.

works fine on skype.. theres definetly an issue with mumble



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