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Custom Maps - What Would You Like To See?

Created 13th June 2008 @ 08:31

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If you could have any maps re-made for TF2 what would they be?

I think cornfield from TFC (not sure if thats original) ( could be turned into cp_cornfield or possibly even converting it into a payload map pl_cornfield?!)

canalzone2 ( turned into cp_canalzone2)

I think they would fit the TF2 gameplay well, maybe canalzone2 with just a few alterations



Overlord from UT, off/def-map like dustbowl.


I think Monkey with a few alterations could make a good map with no setup time.. probably needs to be made abit smaller to stop snipers ruling it.


Btw i mean monkey to be cp_monkey with the bridge as cp3 like badlands with water underneathe :P


it's a farm

stag (a better version :P), hardcore, smartbases2 and japanc from q3f/etf :P


element //

well, since i cant remember any old good maps right now who could fit into tf2, i will just go for:

cp_granary and cp_badlands in many different alternations! create a map with a similiar gameplay and layout, but it can still look totally different.

thats all i want to see ;)



yes when badlands was released i thougt it would be cool to flood the middle cp
so i tried to build such a map myself, but as its my first time working with hammer it is a bit more difficult as i thought ;)

here you can see a screenshot of the middle
every team has 3 ways to get to the middle:
throug the water
through the house
and a second way throug the vent on top of the house

cp2/4 is as also nearly finished and atm im working on the last point
but i think it will last some weeks, until i can release a version wich is nearly playable ;)



Bump* more opinions :p come on, I also think casbah from tfc? would be good if turned into a cp_casbah map!

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