Spectator client?
Created 17th August 2014 @ 17:41
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I know it’s pretty unlikely that Valve would actually bother with this but I was thinking about how there is a spec client for Dota2 and how it’d be cool to have a separate client that you could have different config settings and such for so if you wanted to instead of fucking about with your config/launch options you could just have your spec client set to use insecure mode with spec plugins and things like that.
I supposed this could also be done with a program replacing configs in the same way that recording tools do. Has anyone had a discussion about this before?
Do what I have and make a whole new tf folder for spectating/recording and watch that hdd space disappear
I use a separate steam shortcut with the launchoptions put into the shortcut itself (mainly -insecure). You can probably do some cfg related stuff via that too, or just load tf2 from a different source via different shortcuts, like hr suggested
Edit: Create shortcut to steam.exe, edit the target line as follows: “path of steam.exe” -applaunch 440 -sw -noborder -w 1920 -h 1080 -console -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -nod3d9ex -insecure[/code]
Launch options obviously to your taste. applaunch 440 is tf2. path should be wherever your steam.exe is.
Having the spec plugins in your normal tf folder doesnt hurt you because they simply dont get loaded if you start tf normally.
Last edited by ash,
Quoted from hr
Do what I have and make a whole new tf folder for spectating/recording and watch that hdd space disappear
why not just a custom folder?
tf folder takes a lot of space and there is no need for that, and if you want to watch recent demos, you’ll have to copy them.
Quoted from Phnx
why not just a custom folder?
tf folder takes a lot of space and there is no need for that, and if you want to watch recent demos, you’ll have to copy them.
Because I think lawena fucks with the actual cfg and it does that thing where it messes up your whole config so I said fuck that and copied the whole tf folder
it was possible before valve went to steampipe
now its just ghetto annoying workarounds
atm im just replacing /custom folder depending on needs… one has my cfg and other is staffas so its just ctrl+c ctrl+v job
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