Good Enough Looking to Sponsor/Mentor a new team
Created 15th August 2014 @ 18:01
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The guys at Good Enough have decided that since we have some free time we’d like to sponsor and mentor a div 6 sixes team this season and hopefully build ourselves a little community.
What we want from you:
Dedication (we don’t want to waste our time teaching people who don’t care)
Willing to listen to criticism when needed
and a general understanding of the 6v6 format
and a complete roster
What we can offer:
Mentoring (we have lots of free time)
Several Seasons of experience
a friendly atmosphere from a group of guys the core of which have played together for multiple seasons
a server
mumble including a spec bot so people watching stv can listen to your comms
1 to 1 mentoring if needed
if you are interested add me or
Last edited by birdy,
I might add you, but only after my team fully joins the roster (half of the team wants the stupid medal, me included).We are a div5/6 willing to improve and to stay together for a long while, while trying to go up divs.All players on the team have at least 1 season experience + scrims + pugs.If we decide to contact you It’ll be me adding you, and if we do it will be after every player has joined the roster. Sincerely, team Cloud 7
You guys can leave the roster, that does not interfere with the delivery of the medal.
oh i didnt know dat san alex :p will leave it ^^
Nice initiative, but don’t you think that you need more experience yourself to mentor someone?
i guess you could argue that but thats kind of why we are only looking at div 6 players, its meant as a way to help a new team get into 6v6 and get the basics down
How much salary?
Do i have to write bullshit reviews?
How many interviews I need to whore myself in to?
Do you pay my lan trips at least?
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