removing server watermarks for movies?
Created 6th August 2014 @ 17:23
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I wanted to make a tongue in cheek pubs fragmovie but it seems like a couple of servers I use have those skial watermarks in the bottom left, I don’t notice it when I play but I was wondering if anyone knows a way to remove them from demos, editing fonts or the hud or something?
Give me a demo, I will try.
Last edited by hr,
I’ve modified it and I see no watermark on the demo
Mhhhh, you can’t realy change or delete it, if you try to remove it, the demo will crash, if you rename it (with 9 char instead of it works, but few seconds later, is over the rename.
My way is not working, try with someone else, gl.
just try cl_drawhud 0 and maybe make that custom Killfeed like in Lithuanian LAN Fragmovie
Quoted from Popcorp
just try cl_drawhud 0 and maybe make that custom Killfeed like in Lithuanian LAN Fragmovie
Not drawing the hud certainly gets rid of the watermark so as a last resort this could do, I wonder if there are custom animations or something downloaded by the server
Quoted from Popcorp
custom Killfeed like in Lithuanian LAN Fragmovie
Im pretty sure it wasnt made as custom killfeed in HUD files or anything since if I remember right it had a part where it accidentally showed one pipe kill as a sticky kill in killfeed or something like that which would mean it was accident in editing.
Quoted from KillAri
Mhhhh, you can’t realy change or delete it, if you try to remove it, the demo will crash, if you rename it (with 9 char instead of it works, but few seconds later, is over the rename.
My way is not working, try with someone else, gl.
How did you manage to rename that? Did you do something particular?
Quoted from retz
How did you manage to rename that? Did you do something particular?
I believe he went into the demo with a text editor and searched for ‘’ and changed it, I tried it too and if you write stuff it shows up in the same place but overwrites the animation kinda, looks like an additional watermark rather than changing the existing watermark
I’ll try to find a solution, we’ll see
A workaround would be to record the same clip with and without a HUD, then crop the killfeed and other parts of the HUD you want to the actual video. It’s less than ideal for a couple of reasons though, one of which is that ragdolls are calculated on the fly even when watching a demo, so if they happen to fly past the killfeed there might be some visual artifacts depending on how good the cropping is.
Last edited by Rake,
Quoted from Rake
A workaround would be to record the same clip with and without a HUD, then crop the killfeed and other parts of the HUD you want to the actual video. It’s less than ideal for a couple of reasons though, one of which is that ragdolls are calculated on the fly even when watching a demo, so if they happen to fly past the killfeed there might be some visual artifacts depending on how good the cropping is.
Yeah that’s the plan if I can’t find anything else, seems like it might be something which could be just removed from the demo if I knew what I was looking at which is kinda frustrating, I don’t really know much about this though.
Quoted from hr
I believe he went into the demo with a text editor and searched for ‘’ and changed it, I tried it too and if you write stuff it shows up in the same place but overwrites the animation kinda, looks like an additional watermark rather than changing the existing watermark
Oh so you can open a demo file just with a plain text editor and find that, thank you!
it’s either game_text_tf or env_message or something like that. according to the wiki
“game_text_tf doesn’t show up when you have the minimal HUD enabled”
also there may be a hud field somewhere called “xyz_text” or “abc_message” that you can delete or shrink
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