is MGE actually useful for Snipers?
Created 21st July 2014 @ 22:53
As the title suggests, do you deem MGE passable as a training method for snipers?
I’m looking into ways to improve my muscle memory/aim (strategy and positioning of course are learned in matches and maptalks and with experience), and I’m starting to question MGE’s utility.
I mean, sometimes I do get some valuable experience from it, since I am trying to hit a moving target who’s aware of my presence and actively dodging me alone, however most of the times it comes down to “who second-scopes wins” and I don’t feel like I’m getting much out of that, I’m pretty much getting punished for missing the first shot or (usually) getting an easy kill due to the other guy’s mistake if I do that.
I realize second scoping is legit in matches because it’s not a duel and the priority is to kill no matter what, but I’d like to improve the core aspects of what it takes to be a sniper, so what should I even do?
I would certainly try both; tr_aim and tr_newbots maps, other than that I can recommand some dm servers.. Good luck in future season(s) :)
botman does it and he is crap
Last edited by Pete_,
botman is sooooooo bad like wtf
Quoted from Pete_
botman does it and he is crap
Quoted from Joshi
botman is sooooooo bad like wtf
oasxsichte ich habe nie
drottl trolls
pubs is really good for sniper, mge could be good for sniper 1v1 I guess but I think the hard part is shooting others classes, then again I suck at sniper so what do I know
DM Sniper is good i guess
Quoted from kindred
Can’t be said easier.
Wanna learn how to deal with c-jumpers? cp_orange servers.
Wanna improve/maintain your aim? Pubs are enough.
And most importantly; play against other snipers on proper maps (tf2center, mixes, scrims, officials).
Tl;dr sniper MGE is aids.
How to play sniper in proper matches: 150 bodyshot on the medic with uber wins you the round if you’re not retarded and can then push the massive advantage your sniper just got you, not #MLG360NOSCOPEBLAZEIT420YOLOSWAG jumping after every shot
so no, mge is not useful
Last edited by beach,
Quoted from kindred
Quoted from beach
How to play sniper in proper matches: 150 bodyshot on the medic with uber wins you the round if you’re not retarded and can then push the massive advantage your sniper just got you, not #MLG360NOSCOPEBLAZEIT420YOLOSWAG jumping after every shot
so no, mge is not useful
but then you can’t spam the fragclips thread with sick sniper kills
I’ve asked several top level snipers and the general consensus between them is the following:
As a small child, most of them are on average taller than their peers. This gives them a significant advantage in terms of sight lines. After several years of hard training in middle school they then have a common denominator: jump height.
This jump height combined with the sight lines gives unmentored snipers the false sense of superiority over any opponent that lacks in either of those two areas. They then attribute their victories to the commonly referred “MLG SCOPEJUMP” tactic, which offsets the aim for actual performance to a purely cosmetic habit. Then the second step in this will be the faecal communication between the taller player and the now embarrassed rekt-icided opponent.
This faux feeling of achievement then gets abused by several cults. In the recent past we’ve had religious groupings pronounced as Eh Eh and Press Tieg trying to mimic the same mindset as Hari Krishna, where the initiates are being told they’re special and their unique ability serves the greater group for exchange of a filthy lowly utterly disgusting tag on either side of their nickname.
Only a select amount of players turn inwards and attempt to find the power that unlocks true victories in a team based game. These select players then go on and fine-tune their mental and mechanical aspects of the game. There have been reports in the past where a player is able to buy an item called skill (which is currently unbalanced). These so called skill-based plays rely heavily on aim and communication, which is unheard of in this competitive and highly volatile setting.
Anyone caught possessing these capabilities will be “requested” to join a “team” which then abuses them to the extent that they have to play “official” matches. After these matches they are placed into a solitary confinement only until their next training session, where they are forced by their team to focus certain players and receive no back up whatsoever.
Recapping on the recent events where players like REV, kcot or even the highly publicised abuse case of snow are being placed second or even third on the team’s priority list. These players have started to show symptoms of verbal abuse and general hate towards them. the Human Rights Watch has released a statement where they deny the status of actual humans to those players since they’re able to “leave” a team by signing off, disregarding the possibility of black mailing and bribes.
The videogame division of medics without boundaries (dubbed as BlackoutgamingTV) has stated that they are going to inspect the living conditions as well as the day-to-day communications between these poor players and their teams. This investigation is planned to happen during the quarterly held pagan festival “insomnia”, where large quantities of players are held awake for 4 fortnights in an illegal hazing tradition.
I was trying to gather some in-depth opinions of those players, where one has stated:
NOREG FANNY back 29th is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
TF2C | kKaltUu | Hey are you there?
phAZE: Fuck off I’m trying to sleep
TF2C | kKaltUu | Yo
POLAND phromelo: hi
TF2C | kKaltUu | I’m investigating sniper aim in TF2, what’s your simple answer in improving it?
POLAND phromelo: ym
POLAND phromelo: practising?
POLAND phromelo: i mean practice
POLAND phromelo: one thing that i’m sometimes do is joining walkway to kill some bots but that’s more like warmup than practice
I hope people will realise the blatant abuse happening right under our noses, where players are forced to improve their aim by just… playing a lot.