Selling TF2 backpack - TCM Byte
Created 20th July 2014 @ 04:02
Locked Pages: 1
Hi all
Been playing competitive since 2007, mainly demoman and medic. started off with wotr^ and then TCM all the way through, with a few merc’ed teams along the road. My main account –
Anyway the time has come for me to finally hang up my boots as I’m quitting TF2 and just general gameage, so I’ve put all the items I’m selling onto my second account, and I figured I’d sell pretty much all my stuff. Some rules of this selling:
– I’m not selling individual items from the backpack. It’s either all of it or nothing.
– Also direct money, (we can find a middle man as well to complete the transaction if you want).
Nothing else will be accepted, if you are interested, add me on my second account -
And to view the items go to my second account backpack –
Yes I’ll be expecting the scammers and lowballers, any of that and insta-removed, already have 2 offers. Figured I’d see what people out there will pay.
If you are wanting to make an offer, please do it in sterling aka £’s
Would appreciate votes on my reddit page –
Many thanks!
TCM Byte
Last edited by byte,
pls dont quit forever
R.I.P =(
nm been sold, and rude coleman! :p
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