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Mixes and scrims TF2Center?

Created 28th June 2014 @ 12:24

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(ETF2L Donator)

I dislike the idea of a shuffle button just for leaders in mixes, just because some people will never press it and still stack. Just have every mix shuffle automatically.
I also don’t like Div requirements since you can be Div 1 but just never play in a team or aa official. An invite group is the better option imo, just pick some responsible leaders who are allowed to invite people that they think aare good enough for a certain skill. I personally would like to see Div 3+ or even Div 2+ mixes.
An issue that comes with restricting skill is the amount of medics, most people don’t want to play medic or are just bad at it so we would be missing medics like every mix.



The better the players, the easier other players go medic. Atleast I do.

And I still like mixes where you just get a random class. If 18 people sign up, you can start immediately.



The problem with div requirements is that someone who, for example, plays medic in div 2, can’t play other classes on the same level. So you still need some kind of ranking system that can tell that this player is div 2 medic, div 4 demo, div 5 scout, etc.



Quoted from Kilgors

The problem with div requirements is that someone who, for example, plays medic in div 2, can’t play other classes on the same level. So you still need some kind of ranking system that can tell that this player is div 2 medic, div 4 demo, div 5 scout, etc.

The skill policing is just to avoid absolute trash games. Trying to estimate peoples divs on classes they don’t even play is too complicated and wont really provide much benefit over a basic div requirement.


Quoted from EmilioEstevez

Trying to estimate peoples divs on classes they don’t even play is too complicated and wont really provide much benefit over a basic div requirement.

Except revealing hidden talents (or hacks on the lobbies :^)


UbeR |

I’ve discussed some with mn, and we’ll keep a close eye on the feedback here (and on the tf2c forums).

What we want to provide in a nutshell is:
-mixes on your own level (~ranked lobbies)
-scrims vs teams or vs a mix on the same level (~spreadsheet functionality + hlteamleaders steam group)
-team manager (make it stupid easy to plan scrims, availability etc)

Let me know if you’d like to see something else!

Enders Flame

Quoted from kKaltUu

I’ve discussed some with mn, and we’ll keep a close eye on the feedback here (and on the tf2c forums).

What we want to provide in a nutshell is:
-mixes on your own level (~ranked lobbies)
-scrims vs teams or vs a mix on the same level (~spreadsheet functionality + hlteamleaders steam group)
-team manager (make it stupid easy to plan scrims, availability etc)

Let me know if you’d like to see something else!

Would be a great effort and it’d be really interesting to see how it pans out. Furthering the idea, there could be a merc request section.

(I’m thinking something like, team leader can’t find a sniper, puts a request for sniper at specific time to merc. There could be a merc tab (???) where people can submit an application to the leader to be that merc? Might leave potential mercs waiting for a game when they don’t get one, but oh well. Maybe leaders can do it only 15 mins before start time, hence quick feedback as leader will be there at same time. Might be long coding way of just reserving a slot now. Just an idea.)

Last edited by Enders Flame,



Quoted from kKaltUu

I’ve discussed some with mn, and we’ll keep a close eye on the feedback here (and on the tf2c forums).

What we want to provide in a nutshell is:
-mixes on your own level (~ranked lobbies)
-scrims vs teams or vs a mix on the same level (~spreadsheet functionality + hlteamleaders steam group)
-team manager (make it stupid easy to plan scrims, availability etc)

Let me know if you’d like to see something else!

I like it, but I can’t help but think its just gonna make the lower level ones like one massive pub server where they learn nothing.

Also splits people up into more lobbies which equals longer waiting times.

Quoted from Oxy


I like it, but I can’t help but think its just gonna make the lower level ones like one massive pub server where they learn nothing.

Also splits people up into more lobbies which equals longer waiting times.

But the complaint at the moment is the skill quality is low, so higher players don’t use the site. We need to find some balance between educating newer players, and providing high quality games for the serious players.

Also from feedback, with higher quality games more people will be willing to play things like medic, which should actually boost start times.



The simplest thing would be to have the option to limit people joining by ETF2L(EU)/ UGC(US) skill level so you could make things like easy mixes without the password shenanigans. With a symbol like the mumble one to show what skill level the lobby is. Mid level mixes. With the lobby leader having the option to lower or remove the skill level if it takes too long to fill.

Anything more than that would require another tab.



Quoted from foxy_dave

But the complaint at the moment is the skill quality is low, so higher players don’t use the site.

Higher skilled level players stick to their roots how they got into the higher skilled tiers of the many leagues out there: IRC and spreadsheets, unless you add silly skill ceilings to be able to enter lobbies/mixes.

We need to find some balance between educating newer players, and providing high quality games for the serious players.

Isn’t this what TF2Pickup.net is* for?

Also from feedback, with higher quality games more people will be willing to play things like medic, which should actually boost start times.

Only if you start throwing items/rewards at people to play the difficult classes they’re willing to switch/play, having 15 lobbies open waiting for medics/engies is just silly.

Last edited by Wiethoofd,

Quoted from Wiethoofd

Higher skilled level players stick to their roots how they got into the higher skilled tiers of the many leagues out there: IRC and spreadsheets, unless you add silly skill ceilings to be able to enter lobbies/mixes.

Spreadsheet mixes have a skill restriction, how is adding a similar restriction to certain lobbies suddenly silly?

Isn’t this what TF2Pickup.net is* for?

TF2C is about all levels of competitive TF2.


UbeR |

Quoted from Munky

The simplest thing would be to have the option to limit people joining by ETF2L(EU)/ UGC(US) skill level so you could make things like easy mixes without the password shenanigans. With a symbol like the mumble one to show what skill level the lobby is. Mid level mixes. With the lobby leader having the option to lower or remove the skill level if it takes too long to fill.

Anything more than that would require another tab.

True, we can see if a player is registered in UGC or ETF2L, but only ETF2L hands out an API which we can use to assess divisions. Other leagues don’t have steam sign on or match pages. For EU and NA we can use the two leagues as a baseline, but the main focus should be on the actual functionality.



Quoted from kKaltUu


True, we can see if a player is registered in UGC or ETF2L, but only ETF2L hands out an API which we can use to assess divisions. Other leagues don’t have steam sign on or match pages. For EU and NA we can use the two leagues as a baseline, but the main focus should be on the actual functionality.

Having the ability to add ETF2L div requirements to lobby spots (similar to lobbies played and hours played) could allow mid level mixes to happen with minimal amount of effort. It would introduce a lot of lower level players to the idea of mixing while also keeping higher level players on the site.

A more adventurous idea is (as well as the idea above) to add a separate tab for mixes which included the ability to set a start time. Possibly even the ability to use your own mumble for a mix. Signing up for a mix wouldn’t stop you playing lobbies. Though that would be a lot of work to the site with no guarantee it would be a success.

I am guessing you are saying that UGC’s backend wouldn’t be suitable for this. Which is a shame as it halves the amount of people ideas like this would be useful for.


Quoted from kKaltUu


True, we can see if a player is registered in UGC or ETF2L, but only ETF2L hands out an API which we can use to assess divisions.

Check this http://ugc.tf2itemtrader.com/UGCSteamIdChecker.htm. They basically JSON shit out of UGC. Messy but it works.

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