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How you chose your main?

Created 25th June 2014 @ 23:29

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I went through most of the classes in the game and found engineer simply more interesting than the others. I like being in a support role, and being the somewhat core of the defence at certain times.


UbeR |

played 6v6 and 7v7 in the past, HL was entering a new season, so I picked up heavy and pyro as mains in lobbies and mixes. Got asked to merc for a few teams… eventually got asked for itsallgood and Fair Enough for UGC and colony in ETF2L.

Pyro was DM oriented so more up my alley, but heavy has two sides.
One alert side where you can counter pickoffs and help focus fire / continuity in heals, the other being able to force the enemies decisionmaking by pure positioning. realising that gave me motivation to get more involved in the tactical side of TF2.
Hopefully my competitive resume will reflect that the above mentioned is a viable way to approach the game.

In the end, I think I would’ve had more fun as pyro, but sticking with heavy gave me more opportunities than I could’ve hoped for.


Quoted from kKaltUu

Pyro was DM oriented




i watched iron_hawk make jumps and i thought jumping was cool so i started playing soldier more



markhoneymustard abused my demoman skills in my first pickup. I showed that skally wag!


(ETF2L Tomator)

My very first main was demo as i thought it was fun spamming pipes into goldrush tunnels on pubs, but i dropped it after being invited into a team and started scouting for whatever reason (prolly cuz i was better at pewpew than boomboom) scout was also the very first class i played when i started tf2 (clicked random)

Last edited by .Constantine,


Well, when I first got TF2 back in 2010, it was my first online multiplayer game ever on the pc and I had no idea what to do. I couldn’t aim, and everything scared me. I tried all classes and I was just so confused. I picked medic at some point and immediately found it much easier to play. I didn’t have to know where to go, I just followed people around and they loved me most of the time. Except those time when they thought I was a little boy when I used the mic. I tried hard to make people happy and help them!

Anyway fast forward a couple of years. I was in div 1 hl, sub in prem and playing medic was soo boring but that was all I was good at. I couldn’t just switch, I was stuck in a pretty annoying situation. I want to be a badass chick killing things too so badly. I love soldier and scout but I couldn’t play them in comp but I did on pubs. About a year ago I just simply quit med and started practicing soldier. I did jump maps with a friend, played hl/ 6s lobbies and eventually I got into comp as soldier, and now I feel like I’m a pretty decent one, and I’m having so much fun.


Last edited by Neidii,



I played demoman at first as it was the easiest to play on low fps. Left click right click, amirite?

Then i got a better PC and learned i could use hitscan.

I played soldier since, i could never be bothered with scout because you don’t get fancy airshots. Noone cares about your 2-3 man streak, everyone loves airshots.


No one cares about 2/3 man streak on 30hp people.*



No one cares about 2/3 man streak on 30hp people that are shooting at someone else.**


Quoted from Neidii

Anyway fast forward a couple of years.

And still writes a wall of text after that :D
Anyhow, I think u should just chose the one that you find fun and can play longer without getting bored.

Last edited by Koala,


Medic for actual teams.

Soldier for PUGs.

Maining a class doesn’t mean you only play that class ;3



nice to see that i opend this topic over 2 months ago and its still active

Quoted from screwb

Medic for actual teams.

Soldier for PUGs.

Maining a class doesn’t mean you only play that class ;3

I know, the thing is i was played all classes and wanted to chose one class that i`ll take it seriously so i chose demo


Friend invited me to my first lobby, didn’t trust my own DM and aim so I went for the obvious choice – medic. Loved it and have stuck with it ever since.


In pubs, I started playing engineer because I used to play it in TFC ( it was probably my third most played class after Demo and HWG). I always enjoyed the influence I could have over a friendly or hostile team’s movement through the positioning of my buildings to transport / gather / deny.

In comp I started playing IDK newbie 6s mixes as medic, but didn’t enjoy the format. I then heard about Highlander and saw that I could play Engineer full time.

Another less official reason for choosing Engineer was that Demoknight was too underground.

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