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Major Update for 18/06/14

Created 19th June 2014 @ 03:40

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TF2 was dying and Valve finished the job!


Quoted from HBFS

It’s funny how ppl say “put trapzzz oliliolol”. Every player, with a little bit of gamesense and brain, knows every trap spot on every important map. So, yea, gl killing somone with a trap. It’ll work in D6 or even D5 if u get lucky, but in higher divs?




Quoted from Robeomega

To be fair how else was the meta going to change? Apart from new maps being added when has the meta changed in a long time?

Did anyone ask for a meta change of this caliber?

Cookie cutter aside, everyone plays 6v6 differently!

From my own experience I found that Russians are ballsout insane aggro, Finnish play passively, Americans do things differently, Germans do things in a noticeably different way, Portuguese have their own thing and so on. Must I remind you shadowburn’s granary rollout screwing up Hys? Or the double-spy cap attempt?

What about Heavy pushes? Sentry defenses? I even heard of an American team that has a perma sniper. Everyone does things differently, aside from the core mechanics of 6v6, which make perfect sense because it marries mobility with damage.

Nothing stopped you from going Pyro more often
Nothing stopped you from going permaheavy on Viaduct like I personally enjoy doing
Nothing stopped you from using the spy more often

Why do you need to kill a class to change the meta? No one asked for this.


Quoted from Scissors


Axtinguisher is useless now.

Only shitters used it before anyways, though

In comp it was a great weapon to survive from a close ranged heavy or sometimes a demo. now that has been made almost impossible for pyros too with heavys atleast. rip


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Jaakarhu


In comp it was a great weapon to survive from a close ranged heavy or sometimes a demo. now that has been made almost impossible for pyros too with heavys atleast. rip

it was pretty neat to have, but it means nothing that they changed it. Only thing I am pissed about is the sticky change, yet people keep talking about the axtinguisher as if it means shit




(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from AnAkkk


Thank you. So much.



fuck u valve


UbeR |

Quoted from doks

Back when the shield was allowed people played with it. And it was not like most of the kills were from the fucking sword. 4 Pipes and yes… a bit more survival but that`s all you had – 4 pipes. Logs have ruined us… oh demo doesn`t get 9k+ damage = shit.

The addition of charging targe next season should be a no brainer though.


Grenade Launcher 55kills (91%) 16337damage (97%)


Quoted from MightyMe



Grenade Launcher 55kills (91%) 16337damage (97%)


Mors Immortalis


Quoted from Fuxx


Did anyone ask for a meta change of this caliber?

Cookie cutter aside, everyone plays 6v6 differently!

From my own experience I found that Russians are ballsout insane aggro, Finnish play passively, Americans do things differently, Germans do things in a noticeably different way, Portuguese have their own thing and so on. Must I remind you shadowburn’s granary rollout screwing up Hys? Or the double-spy cap attempt?

What about Heavy pushes? Sentry defenses? I even heard of an American team that has a perma sniper. Everyone does things differently, aside from the core mechanics of 6v6, which make perfect sense because it marries mobility with damage.

Nothing stopped you from going Pyro more often
Nothing stopped you from going permaheavy on Viaduct like I personally enjoy doing
Nothing stopped you from using the spy more often

Why do you need to kill a class to change the meta? No one asked for this.

It’s 7 years 2 late.


Quoted from Scissors


it was pretty neat to have, but it means nothing that they changed it. Only thing I am pissed about is the sticky change, yet people keep talking about the axtinguisher as if it means shit

that is true, the sticky change is a bigger thing. but tbh pyro didnt really deserve that nerf in my opinion since its not that strong class in comp. one good thing about it is that now some pyros will take powerjack and are able to move faster into diffrent locations but yea, the stickynerfing was a shitt idea from valve, and so was the minigun nerf



Quoted from MightyMe



Grenade Launcher 55kills (91%) 16337damage (97%)

dude, get on steam sometime


demolimit 3, scout and sollylimit 1?

Mr Will

Quoted from Feyne

petition time pls, like how retarded can u be

After 7 years, Valve does something. Bullshit.
It’s only because people in Pubs complained about Demoman being “op” when they didn’t know how to deal with him, or just went engie and got everything blown up.
Petition, please.

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