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Hud issue

Created 11th May 2014 @ 13:13

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So the deal with this: Whenever i wan’t to record my frags and such, i replace my normal gaming stuff from Custom folder and drag in lawena folders in it.

Now the problem is that after i have played tf2 and i try to remove the hud folder, it says that something is already in use. I assume the “something” is fonts causing this.

I dont know how or why this happens but i already tried unlock softwares and they all say it’s not locked.

I don’t feel like restarting my PC every time I have played and want to edit after.

Im using Garm3n VIP Konr.

Edit: This is what happens when i try to move it: http://puu.sh/8HWFc.jpg

Last edited by Tseini,


Process Explorer http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx

Go to Find > Find Handle or DLL. In the “Handle or DLL substring:” text box, type the path to the file (e.g. “C:steamblahblahcustomt” [oh, thx ETF2L parser]) and click “Search”. All processes which have an open handle to that folder should be listed.

Source: stackoverflow
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Last edited by olBaa,



System and csrss.exe is using the fonts: http://puu.sh/8HWnT.png

Now how do i fix this? :D

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