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FPS freezing problem solved ( I guess)

Created 30th April 2014 @ 14:30

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This works only for multicore processors.

So my problem used to be, that ocassionaly when playing TF2 my frames dropped and freezed to around 60-66fps (i usually run on 150-300fps).

I then found out and made some reasearch on this windows7 and 8 powersaving setting called Core parking. Its a setting that is automatically on.

This setting can cause some performance lost and is even worse on processors with hyperthreading like intel I7.

To disable this setting:
Open Regedit.
Press F3 and search for this: 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583
There you see settings ValueMax and ValueMin.
Set ValueMax to 0, so that both ValueMax and ValueMin are both 0.
Then reboot your PC and you’re done.

The setting on ValueMax means how much of cores it can park (e.g 50%)
Disabling this is safe since its only powersaving option.

To enable coreparking again:
Make same search and set ValueMax to 100 on desimals or 64 on hex

Last edited by Tseini,

Very nice, I’d recommend using this software if you are uncomfortable messing around in registry. http://bitsum.com/about_cpu_core_parking.php


(ETF2L Donator)

is this only on laptops?



Its not only for laptops. This is for every multicore CPU+windows7/8


I had a similar issue, but with RAM being used in 98% (8 gigabytes being fully used on idle? What?) Changed priority in the files and now it’s healthy 2 gigs.

Windows has a weird way with dealing with computers, I’m telling you.


Would you regard jittering in certain places and times as fps freezing? Cause thats whats molesting me for several years and I couldnt fix it with reinstalls, new net settings, updates and so on.



Quoted from Nick

Would you regard jittering in certain places and times as fps freezing? Cause thats whats molesting me for several years and I couldnt fix it with reinstalls, new net settings, updates and so on.

I so feel you bro :'(
To be honest, it’s the only reason I ever (partially) quit TF2, it’s a cancer of an engine. It’s the only game on earth jittering and lagging like hell.

Last edited by Fresh'z,


It’s funny that this jittering stuff suddenly started around 1 or 2 years ago. Before that time TF 2 worked fine for me.


Quoted from Nick

It’s funny that this jittering stuff suddenly started around 1 or 2 years ago. Before that time TF 2 worked fine for me.

The constant accumulation of updates and new content for the game made it extremely demanding on the computer. Imagine having a ton of crap loaded at once just for the sake of seamless cosmetic swapping.


(ETF2L Donator)

Core parking shouldn’t be an issue in terms of bottlenecking because if the priority for the program is high enough, the cores should be unparked when they are needed. Either you have the setting incorrectly configured or there is more to this than meets the eye.

Honestly, nobody should have a reason to turn core parking off.

Quoted from oxocuboid

Core parking shouldn’t be an issue in terms of bottlenecking because if the priority for the program is high enough, the cores should be unparked when they are needed. Either you have the setting incorrectly configured or there is more to this than meets the eye.

Honestly, nobody should have a reason to turn core parking off.

If that is true then Microsoft would never have done this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2646060


So, yesterday I tried this shitty game after a long break. What I noticed is that in my case after every 10 seconds independent of where I am the players and projectiles and your mouse movement jitter (especially when jumping). I also notice that this occurs in specific areas. If I stay still the jittering continues and when I move 1 mm it stops :S As I already mentioned: this started maybe one year ago and I couldn’t fix it with reinstalls, different configs (including no specific config), new operating system and new hard disk (TF 2 runs on an SSD), cleaning the registry and harddisks and what not. For your information: AMD Phenom-I-dunno 3,5 GHz, Radeon 5750, Windows 7, 8 GB RAM.

I considered myself that it might be the graphics card which causes problems. But this crappy games always used to work untill one specific day…



Quoted from Nick

So, yesterday I tried this shitty game after a long break. What I noticed is that in my case after every 10 seconds independent of where I am the players and projectiles and your mouse movement jitter (especially when jumping). I also notice that this occurs in specific areas. If I stay still the jittering continues and when I move 1 mm it stops :S As I already mentioned: this started maybe one year ago and I couldn’t fix it with reinstalls, different configs (including no specific config), new operating system and new hard disk (TF 2 runs on an SSD), cleaning the registry and harddisks and what not. For your information: AMD Phenom-I-dunno 3,5 GHz, Radeon 5750, Windows 7, 8 GB RAM.

I considered myself that it might be the graphics card which causes problems. But this crappy games always used to work untill one specific day…

cap your fps


Was already tried. Actually I removed to cap because of the problems I have :D But I can try it again.

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