Any way to make ping larger?
Created 2nd April 2014 @ 19:02
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increasing your interp might emulate this effect, but really you just hit the shots because of lagcompensation, and nothing more.
Yaya, don’t lie, it’s because you want to blame ping for not doing well!
But if seriously, then as Genmix said – it’s lag compensation. As in, you’d hit them anyway, without bigger ping. I assume it’s more of a psychological thing, concentration etc, let me give you an example, whenever I mix as scout, I really don’t give a damn, I’ll just run around and try to kill stuff 24/7, even if I know there’s like 33% chance of me getting the kill instead of dying, and end up with both tons of kills and deaths, which is not a too good thing, but it’s fun, HOWEVER, I tend to sometimes have a pretty bad ping, then I just can’t afford to just kill->die->kill->die, it won’t work at all, so I have to start to think, play safer etc, something similar might be happening at your end.
Last edited by Koala,
You just want to fake a high ping so you dont play on other people’ server, pretending they are terrible. :(
Quoted from walters
Sucks. Transmission-Qt FTW!
If you want to play sniper just for fun with high ping, try servers that are further away from your point of internet access. Seeing you come from Lithuania, you should either play on western european servers (France, Spain, maybe the UK) or even extend that to US servers on the east coast. I get a 20-40 ping on the average euro servers, and have around 100-130 ms to servers in New York, so thats a solution if you just want to do it for the lols.
But in case you are actually practicing your aim for playing sniper in 6v6 or Highlander matches, you should rather get used to the low ping and try to change any other setting like interp etc., because you will not be able to use your highping-trained skills on an european matchserver anyway.
Potentially something to look into, I doubt there are any off the shelf programs you can just download to do what you want though.
Last edited by EmilioEstevez,
What Linus said. :D
Quoted from Koala
Yaya, don’t lie, it’s because you want to blame ping for not doing well!
But if seriously,
I was actually serious. And I was talking about pubs and not competetive, on competetive I whould be shit anyways.
Quoted from walters
My internet speed is capped like fps can be capped in tf2 (fps_max xxx)
So it won’t work :(
Quoted from Linus
move to india
ye. you should ask kcot how to do it.
cl_interp 0.11 or cl_interp 0.12, 110 and 120 ping respectively, not affected by pings below 120
Quoted from Linus
move to india
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