New Phishing attempt?
Created 22nd March 2014 @ 19:09
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20:04 – Admin: Hello you are welcomed by administration steam. You immediately should inspect the account online-anticheats [insertobviousphishinglink] . If you do not execute it, the account will be disconnected in a current of 5 hours. For disconnected and ban accounts steam responsibility does not bear!
Sounds legit enough, here is his steam url
also he requested a chat through TF2 pickup beta steam group.
Last edited by Permzilla,
Why is every phishing attempt with a different “flavortext” “new”?
Quoted from ondkaja
how is it new? that’s the oldest trick in the book
probably pretty old since I encountered things like you are eligible to get gifts just login blablabla…
but not this.
Last edited by Phnx,
It’s a phishing attempt.
And you should be smart enough not to put the phishing link there uncensored, people might click it…
Can you send me this link on steam?
Quoted from nahka
Why is every phishing attempt with a different “flavortext” “new”?
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