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Internet problems

Created 16th March 2014 @ 23:54

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So today I started getting like weird internet problems, it all started suddently as I was playing a scrim few hours ago, it whould suddenly just no longer have any kind of connection to the server that I was playing on atm, sometimes you could join other servers when it happens but not the server that your internet crashed on, strangely I whould be still showing “Online” on steam also web browsing sometimes whould work too. The only way to continue playing the scrim was restarting my internet moddem. After I restarted it after waiting about 3~ minutes to go back again up working but 20~ minutes after I restarted it it whould happen again and again and again… It’s super annoying, if this keeps on doing like that then I wont be able to play tf2 entirely saddly.

These kind of weird acting to my internet is not rare, since when I got my new fast internet it whould have kept doing that weird stuff but in like waves, it whould crash a lot for like a week and after like 2 months crashing wave whould come back, so I think it’s about time to figure it out how to fix this.

I also trouble shooted it when it whould happen on windows, the first time it said something about DNS server and second time it happened it said something about “Your broadband modem is experiencing connectivity issues” http://puu.sh/7y8NO.jpg and about restarting my modem which as I said will work for only for 20~ mins

So any help whould be much appreciated.

-edit: it fixed itself thankfully.

Last edited by Anzu,

Carlos Kaiser

I think it’s a problem on your ISP’s side. You can’t do much if your provider suddenly decides to block all connections from the Netherlands, or all ports in a certain range.


did you phone isp? because if it works for 20min after restart then ISP modem might have an issue..

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