Different sens for different weapons?
Created 3rd March 2014 @ 16:54
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I know you guys are all gonna get angry because “oh another sensitivity thread”
But I’ve been wondering, especially for pocket, how viable it is to have a different sensitivity for shotgun and rocket launcher?
For example 15 cm/360 rockets, and shotgun 20 cm/360?
whatever floats your boat
try it, i think its stupid to do but w/e you like more, right?
Quoted from navitsu
I know you guys are all gonna get angry because “oh another sensitivity thread”
But I’ve been wondering, especially for pocket, how viable it is to have a different sensitivity for shotgun and rocket launcher?
For example 15 cm/360 rockets, and shotgun 20 cm/360?
Unless it’s a big difference between sens, then you’ll miss a lot of shots, you are going to overshoot/undershoot all the time, the only way i can see it being used is on spy, but it’s still going to be a pain in the ass since you’ll need to quickly adapt every time you switch to your revolver and back.
the whole point of choosing one sens and sticking with it is muscle memory; as you stick with your one sensitivity, you train your muscles what to do to move your mouse to exactly where you want it.
if you start using multiple sensitivities in different situations, you cannot do this.
do what you feel plays best but dont complain that you cant hit things a year from now ^^
Quoted from navitsu
For example 15 cm/360 rockets, and shotgun 20 cm/360?
Try to use custom mouse accel.
I tried this last night, and i have to say it was only good for about 5 mins :/ I was using 1.25@1800 DPI on my rocket
1.10@1800 DPI on my Shotty
and i have to say, it was shit.
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