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P-REC for Mac?

Created 21st February 2014 @ 23:31

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Are there any alternatives for Mac? I recently realised that P-REC won’t work because of .dll not supported on darwin (mac) platform.

Are there any sorta opened API for TF2 client plug-in development?


can’t vouch for it (never tried it):
[MAC] An alternative to P-REC

it’s a script, rather than a plugin, and i believe it starts recording a new demo every time you switch classes.
it’s the only ‘p-rec for mac’ i’ve ever come across, though. maybe this is as good as it gets for you.

edit: i realise it’s not perfect, but since(if) there is no p-rec-like plugin for mac, you might as well use it. personally i’d suggest you make a script, optionally based on this one, which binds a button to start recording a new demo.

Last edited by Bucake,



Quoted from Bucake

can’t vouch for it (never tried it):
[MAC] An alternative to P-REC

it’s a script, rather than a plugin, and i believe it starts recording a new demo every time you switch classes.
it’s the only ‘p-rec for mac’ i’ve ever come across, though. maybe this is as good as it gets for you.

edit: i realise it’s not perfect, but since(if) there is no p-rec-like plugin for mac, you might as well use it. personally i’d suggest you make a script, optionally based on this one, which binds a button to start recording a new demo.

Well, I have my own script, which is bind for [] key, so you press once to start recording and press again to stop. It holds up to 5 different demos.

The only problem it doesn’t have Bookmark option, which is extremely important. I am afraid, but seems like there are no console commands, saying current # of tick (during recording).


the only way i can think of right now is binding a key to stop recording, and start recording a new demo (stop at press and start at release).
but i suppose that’s crap :J

i bet it wouldn’t be hard for valve to add a command to print the current tick of the demo you’re recording into console. you could send them a mail, or something. who knows!



Maybe it isnt an option, but boot camping to windows is probably the easiest. TF2 will typically run better as well.

As for API their is the steam developer wiki which should contain everything you need.

Last edited by Fallen,



Quoted from Fallen

Maybe it isnt an option, but boot camping to windows is probably the easiest. TF2 will typically run better as well.

As for API their is the steam developer wiki which should contain everything you need.

Thanks for advice, but when I ask for Mac solution I want a Mac solution. Which I probably found – TF2 Plugin API. It’s coding time!



Just a heads up, you wont be able to play TF2 in secure mode with any client side plugin unless valve signs it. There isn’t really a special way to get this done, I believe the guy that made prec just emailed valve. if you want to test in insecure mode just use -insecure as a launch option.


Quoted from Fallen

Just a heads up, you wont be able to play TF2 in secure mode with any client side plugin unless valve signs it. There isn’t really a special way to get this done, I believe the guy that made prec just emailed valve. if you want to test in insecure mode just use -insecure as a launch option.

Unless you load it through DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES, which is LD_PRELOAD’s equivalent for Mac.

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